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1114 손효종 Internet real-name system
작성자 손효종 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 181

One day, I saw the news that entertainer commited suicide in the TV because they watched very bad comments on the internet. The reason why bad comments has been written as the self lack morality because they don't use internet real-name system. So without thinking they have written very bad comments. If using internet real-name system is disagreed, the more people will write very bad comments, the more entertainer will suffer physically pain including suicide and psychologically pain including depression. Therefore I think that internet real-name system is adopt to prevent suicide, depression.

Therefore, I think about internet real-name system.

이전글 1116안승기 (3)
다음글 11012 서민규 사이버 토론 대회 (10)