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11012 서민규 사이버 토론 대회
작성자 서민규 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 283
서민규.hwp (19.5KB) (다운횟수:67)

첨부파일도 있어요.

I disagree on the Internet Real-Name system. Because damage is bigger than benefit that come from using Internet Real-Name system. If people use the Real-Name system, problem such as curse, slang, criticism will decrease. But it will get used to it. And Internet Real-Name system is required personal information. Then it will lead to hacking ,personal information leakage  and inconvenience. It is nonsense that law that it gives us in order to make profit damage to us. I think that The Internet real-name system is inefficient. And It is a lot of things to fix it. This is why I oppose this real-name system. Thank you.

이전글 1114 손효종 Internet real-name system (5)
다음글 1407 박건우 (4)