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작성자 강우석 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 205

There is many opinion about internet real-name system.

Freedom of expression should be promised.

Protecting the personal rights.

Preventing the cyber-adverse effect.

I agree with internet real-name system, disagreeing that freedom of expression is promised. Using the internet with the anonymity is adverse effect at society :swear word, defamation, insult to late people.

However, should the freedom of expressions that have a negative effect on society be promised?

Naturally, when internet real-name system is carried out, negative effect such as personal information extrusion and invasion of privacy is occurred, too.

However, I think this is more important that healthy cyber culture is formed by internet real-name system. Therefore I agree with internet real-name system.


이전글 1517 연제욱 (1)
다음글 1523 이호성 (19)