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이재형 영어 토론
작성자 이재형 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 196
이재형 토론.hwp (11.5KB) (다운횟수:66)

1-8 20번

I oppose to the Internet real-name system. I can say two reasons for that.

The first reason is a matter of personal freedom.

People can appeal or hide themselves by using the nickname on the Internet. Also they can reveal the beliefs of their own under the mask of anonymity. All benefits are the ones that are allowed for an Internet real-name system is not implemented now.

The second reason is a matter of practical.

People who claim the Internet real-name system said.

“Internet real-name system can reduce the malicious comments”

But I do not agree with this idea. Because there are no positive studies results of that idea. About the associativity of the Internet real-name system with malicious comments.

If you found positive results, bring it to me. lol

so, Internet real-name system is a bad laws that restrict people without reason.


이전글 the real name system-the first step of healthy internet (5)
다음글 The internet real-name system suppresses our freedom (3)