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1학년10반4번 김주명 사이버 토론대회 반대 입장
작성자 김주명 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 263

The Internet real-name system means writing comment after registered Internet users real names and resident registration numbers. I disagree the Internet real-name system because we conducted an Internet real-name system actually has no effect. The number of Internet bad comments was nothing to change even if the Internet real-name system is being enforced and the real-name policy limit freedom of expression. The comments of the whole were reduced. The Internet real-name system is leaking personal information. For example, an auction in 2008 using the Internet real-name system is hacking their resident registration numbers of users internet. Therefore The Internet real-name system should not be executed.  So I oppose this real-name policy.  Well, I appreciate you read my claim.

이전글 The Internet real-name system for my position 2학년 10반 6번 김동규 (8)
다음글 1913이상우 (12)