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1320 이찬영 I agree about the Internet real-name system.
작성자 이찬영 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 413


 Internet real-name system doesn't suppress freedom of expression, But when you say your own opinion on the Internet, by posting things that our real name, it means that you are responsible for your opinions.

Anonymity brings freedom of expression, but it should be guaranteed up to a range that does not violate the human rights of others

Human being hidden behind anonymity posted malignant comment on the internet.

If internet real-name system is run, there is no anonymity

Human being posted his opinion by having carefulness and the proportion of malignant comment is reduced

It created correct internet cultures and Internet real-name system prevent injuries that human suffer from malignant comment

I agree about the Internet real-name system.


이전글 A step of right internet culture, The Internet real-name system. (8)
다음글 my opinion about the lnternet real-name system. (5)