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사이버 토론대회 답글 규칙
작성자 강도렬 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 220

12/17(목) 00:01 부터 답글을 달아주세요


답글을 달 경우는  자신의 학번과 이름을 표시해주세요


예시)  Partially, I agree with your opinion. However, regarding the prevention of insult or severe bad words. I have a different idea, which is related to .................................................................................however...

.................................. for example,..................................................................................................................................

Thus,.................................................................................................................... Thank you. (1527 강대원)



이전글 I oppose the introduction of Internet real-name system2506노의현 (6)
다음글 2819 이승훈 I disagree with internet real-name system (4)