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2819 이승훈 I disagree with internet real-name system
작성자 이승훈 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 178

I disagree with Internet real-name system because the system can cause some problems.


First, internet real-name system can infringe our freedom of expression. People are reluctant to write their own names when they post something, or make their comment about some issues on the internet. They will not be able to write freely their own opinions. For example, for those who claim the different opinions against sensitive political issues or whistle-blowers who try to expose the illegal secret of the company, the internet real-name system is fatal. If it is passed as a law, we will go toward the monotonous society instead of a ideal society with various views.


Second, internet real-name system is ineffective. in fact, one of social sites was run the Internet real-name system, but there was few effect of it. Rather, overall communication was remarkably reduced. As a result internet real-name system had more loss than benefit. Based on these reasons I disagree with Internet real name system.

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다음글 I agree with Internet real-name system (18)