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1113 서재현 The Internet real-name system
작성자 서재현 등록일 15.12.15 조회수 162

I disagree with internet real-name system because The internet real-name system is invade the freedom of the individual and more to lose than gain caused by The internet real -name system

First through the internet real -name system to benefit is decrease the bad replies but it is caused by real-name system. rather than depends on personal morality so I think it is no relation to internet real-name system but right to lose is very many things. For example reply the online game and news article by so doing oneself give it to burden so invade the freedom of expression. So I disagree with the Internet real-name system.

이전글 1625 정석현 I agree with internet real-name system. (14)
다음글 1422 정윤호the internet real-name system. (3)