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작성자 신현섭 등록일 15.12.15 조회수 292


Internet real-name system is the topic of cyber debate competition. First, I want to define its meaning. It means that the Internet users can upload something after their name and resident registration number is identified. I oppose to this and have three grounds. First, personal information can be spread. Because it needs resident registration number. Nowadays, personal information leakage is very big problem, so it is one of the biggest problems of Internet real-name system. Second, it brings only small effects. In 2012, the Internet real-name system was abolished by Constitutional court because they thought it not only disturbs the liberty of expression but also has little effect. And last, foreigners have difficulty in using our Internet site because they don't have resident registration number. If we want to make better portal site, we need to give the chance to the foreigners too. These are the three reasons why I oppose to the system. Maybe the advocates insist that the system is needed in order to reduce bad replies. But I think it needs to be fixed by other ways because the bad effect of the system is bigger than the good effect like reducing bad replies. We have to think about the other ways that reduce bad replies. It is our task from now on.


이전글 1422 정윤호the internet real-name system. (3)
다음글 opinion of agreement about real-name system. (15)