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1학년 8반 16번 윤강석 I disagree with internet real-name system.
작성자 윤강석 등록일 15.12.14 조회수 752

  I disagree with internet real-name system. Because I don't really think this is effective.

  At pro side, they says we all have freedom of expression but in internet they says this will bring social disorder by flaming. So they insist on this system. Contradiction about this, internet real-name system had already failed a few times. And following Korea Communications Commission`s statistics about internet real-name system it says only 1.4% of flaming was decreased and 54% of uploading informations were decreased. This means losses are more than gains. And even if internet real-name system is passed the effect will be temporary. This is why I disagree with internet real-name system.


이전글 opposition of Internet real-name system. (4)
다음글 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회 주제 발표