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English Class A,B activity(5.24.)
작성자 서원초 등록일 24.05.27 조회수 39

Hello, Everyone~ Good to see you again.

They(English Class A) are so exciting because they played a existing game. I watched ppt with alphabet words. They said one word and check icon. And  sing a song the title Phonics song. It's catchy song. 

When they are going to home, they said "Today is so good. It's so funny! Next time we'll playing the game again." 

English Class B played game of yut with dice and work sheet. But they didn't like that. I'll prepared K-pop song next time. 

Coming soon!! ^^

이전글 English Class A,B Activity (6.14)
다음글 English Class A,B activity(5.20)