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Fun Fun English Activity Photo^^ (12.8)
작성자 송미경 등록일 23.12.08 조회수 39

Fun Fun English Friends~ Good to see you again.

여러분~ 다시 만나서 정말 정말 반가워요^^

Today, we learned about the Christmas. 

First, we watched PPT and finding the Christmas words and spelling. 

Second, Checking the picture and solving the cross words. 

Third, We sing a song < We wish you a Merry Christmas >I surprised because they are so good. 

So I hope their family enjoy their singing. 

Homework : Sing a song to your family.  (If you finished the mission, I'll give some candies. I promise.)


이전글 English Class A,B activity (3.22)
다음글 Fun Fun English Activity Photo^^ (12.1)