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Fun Fun English Activity Photo^^ (11.24)
작성자 송미경 등록일 23.11.24 조회수 21
KakaoTalk_20231124_160316687.mp4 (11.14MB) (다운횟수:14)

Welcome to Fun Fun English~^^

I'm sick this week all days. Maybe I catch a cold ㅠㅠ I can't speak well and I have running nose. I hope you're healthy. 

Class A - We learn about body. The learning title is From Head to Toe (머리에서 발끝까지) . They listen and repeat the book and draw a monster. 

             I record their activity. So you download, please. (동영상 활동이 있습니다. 다운로드 부탁드려요^^)

Class B - We using the tablet at the first. Because Class B is only one student. So he is so lonely or bored sometimes. So I prepared online game. The title is Sherlock Homes, detective(셜롬 홈즈 탐정). But it's a difficult game. Because you using math and english both of them.  


이전글 Fun Fun English Activity Photo^^ (12.1)
다음글 Fun Fun English Activity Photo^^ (11.17)