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Fun Fun English Activity ^^ (11.10)
작성자 송미경 등록일 23.11.13 조회수 26

Hello~ My lovely students and respectful parents^^

Today we are prepared opening class for parents. It' s about color(red, yellow, brown etc). First, we watched color changed chameleon video. And then we learned song, the title is "Brown bear." We sang a song and changed lyrics. 

Some mother and father, watched their son and daughter. They were so proud of them, maybe. 

I can't take a photo. Because I'm teaching my students. But you can see the photos at the 서원갤러리 (in this website). You'll enjoyed the photos and remember that time. Thank you for coming my students and their parents.  

이전글 Fun Fun English Activity Photo^^ (11.17)
다음글 Fun Fun English Activity Photo^^ (11.3)