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6난초(Ms. Andreyeva)

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In New York:) -Iris
작성자 배서진 등록일 23.08.11 조회수 51

I’m here at New York City !! Yesterday, I was in the aircraft Incheon to New York! I was very excited but also nervous by the Typhoon Kanoon. Unfortunately, the airplane was postponed for 1 hour. It was my first time riding an airplane for such a long time. It took 15 hours including the delayed 1 hour. My parents told me to sleep in the airplane, but I couldn’t sleep well because I wanted to watch TV programs. And now, I’m regretting because I noticed late that New York is 13 hours slower than Korea. We started to go on morning, but when we arrived, it was still morning. So I slept during the daytime. And now, it is 11 p.m, and I am awake and can’t sleep!! So I’m writing ‘writing in English’ right now. The hotel in right next to Time Square, and I visited Disney store. There was a Miny Mouse wearing Statue of Liberty clothes, and black mermaid princess doll. Then, went to M&M store. There was 16 colors of M&M, which included colors only seen here, like pink, sliver, gold, purple, and so much more. I bought some and my brother really enjoys it. Tomorrow, I will Moma museum (short for ​Museum ​Of ​Modern ​Arts), and New York public library. There is Lime Friends shop close to our hotel. I’m also looking forward to go there, too. My first day in New York was great! 

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