청주대성초등학교 로고이미지

6난초(Ms. Andreyeva)

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작성자 신승현 등록일 22.11.15 조회수 18
I will go to Canada cultural experience at December 17. Today I had a orientation about going to Canada. The teacher from Canada told us that what we are going to do in Canada. She told us where are we going to go and told us what will be the home stay be like. The teacher told us that we are going to a ski slop one time with everybody. And at Canada, we don't have to go to academies. So we could play with friends and play games at the time left. This so amazing for me, I want to go to there fast.
이전글 비밀글 Playing with Friend (1)
다음글 비밀글 With my friend (1)