청주대성초등학교 로고이미지

6난초(Ms. Andreyeva)

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작성자 신승현 등록일 22.10.25 조회수 11

It is almost Halloween. Only Halloween 13 days later. So today, I will talk about Halloween. In the past, there was no Halloween parties like this time. It was a day called All Hallows' Day but this changed and became the Halloween we have now. The best part of Halloween is the costume. There are many costumes you can wear, for example last year I wearied FBI costume. The costume cost many money but it was made in China. The second best part of Halloween is trick or treat. We can get very many candies after trick or treat. Halloween is fun. I am excited for this year Halloween too. I think it will be very fun.  

이전글 비밀글 Halloween Party🎃 (1)
다음글 비밀글 Sports Day⚽ (1)