청주대성초등학교 로고이미지

6난초(Ms. Andreyeva)

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Lego Land
작성자 신승현 등록일 22.10.11 조회수 18

Last week I went to Lego land. Our family arrived at 7 pm in the Lego land. We went to our room and got dress up. And we played with our friends. On the second day, we played at Lego land. The top 3 fun vehicle was 1. Dragon Coaster: This was the most thrilled coaster I ever rode in my life. 2. Wave Racer: This was a fun and fast thing to ride in a Lego land. 3. Lego Land Express: This train is slow but we can learn every thing about Lego land. I had a fun time in Lego Land. I recommend you going here. 

이전글 Passenger (1)
다음글 비밀글 Bus (1)