청주대성초등학교 로고이미지

6난초(Ms. Andreyeva)

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Samsung junior software competition
작성자 신승현 등록일 22.06.18 조회수 13

Samsung junior software competition is a annual process with many students going on with one topic. We make ideas and make apps. This year's topic is ESG E = Environment , S = Social , G = GovernanceToday our team had a zoom meeting. We talked about our ideas and choose who will be the captain. This competition has many awards. There are awards like 100,000,00 won value IT computers and 5,000,000 won value IT smart mechanic. This competition is know 7 years old. If I get the first place prize, I would be very happy. Please pray our team to win any of the prize.


이전글 비밀글 With Cousins (1)
다음글 비밀글 Grandma (1)