청주대성초등학교 로고이미지

6난초(Ms. Andreyeva)

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Why is the dollar named a dollar?
작성자 노강민 등록일 22.05.03 조회수 26


 People know a lot about dollars but many doesn't know how it was named.

Now I will tell you why the dollar is named a dollar.

Long ago in the Holy Roman Empire, people discovered a huge silver mine in which was named Joachimstal.

People made a silver coin from that place which was called Joachimstallar.

That word was simply used a word Tallar, which later changed into dollar in the U.S.

Also, the dollar mark's (the dollar mark is $) origin is unknown but there is a theory that it was based from a pillar carved on Joachimstallar.

Now, have you find out the orgin of a dollar?

Then, bye!

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