청주대성초등학교 로고이미지

6난초(Ms. Andreyeva)

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작성자 이재경 등록일 22.05.02 조회수 34


Today is 5/2 Monday.

​Today is second day of may!

Also, today at out sideside we can take of our mask.

But, I don't want to take my mask.​​ 

Because if we take of the mask we can get covid - 19.

Futhermore, I or some people don't get covid - 19 yet.

These reasons are why I don't want to take of the mask.

What do you think about taking of the mask?

Do you think is it GOOD or BAD?

이전글 LEGO Land Korea Chuncheon (1)
다음글 비밀글 Grandma’s house (1)