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6난초(Ms. Andreyeva)

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Pokemon Gaore
작성자 신승현 등록일 22.04.14 조회수 13

Pokemon Gaore was on Korea at July 28th, 2021. 

With the release of the new short video, the service was confirmed, and the official service began on August 3, 2021. 

I played this game and it is very good.

This game is very hot on Korea now.

You play this game like this.

First you get 3 500 won you insert them.

2. you play the game and get Pokemon.

3. you play with the Pokemon you got.

4. you do this on loop.

This game is very simple but it is very fun.

If you see this gamer I recommend you playing it.

From now I am a Pokemon Gaore trainer!

I really recommend you with 5 star!

Then  bye bye bye bye!


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