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Blue Marble vs Monopoly
작성자 신승현 등록일 22.04.12 조회수 19

These days not many people play board games. A lot of people might even think that games played with dice and tokens on a piece of paper might be obsolete and boring. However, there are some fun board games. Some games focus on strategy, life, trivia, and some focus on real estate. Two well-known games that challenge your ability to make money with rentals are Blue Marble and Monopoly. Although they both focus on the economics of land development, there are some similarities and some differences. The biggest similarity is that players can get money when someone lands on their property. The biggest difference is in the game names. Blue Marble, a Korean game, is a reference to Earth as seen from space. On the other hand, Monopoly, an American game, refers to the economic idea of monopoly; the domination of a market by a single entity. Both games use two dice, players get a salary when they pass start or go, properties are based on real places, and players can roll again after rolling doubles. In summation, board games are not dead. They are still wildly popular.

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