청주대성초등학교 로고이미지

6난초(Ms. Andreyeva)

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작성자 신승현 등록일 22.04.07 조회수 18

Dootun is a naver blog cartoonist. 

Dootun does civilization comic and other game comics to. 

Dootun's Character is a short potato character with sprouts

After being discharged from the military, he drew cartoons such as Overwatch and Civilization 6 on Naver,

 and then became the official cartoon supporter of Epic Games and drew cartoons of Fortnite.

 He also does live's on Twitch and YouTube.

 He usually turns on work and small talk live and sometimes He turn on game lives. 

And lastly he does a lot of civilization comics!

There are civilization country comic,

And there are civilization how to play comic too.

This was today's english topic.

Then by bye bye bye bye!

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