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11013이석현,10324 정민우
작성자 이석현 등록일 23.11.29 조회수 20

In modern times, China has attempted the Northeast Project several times. The Northeast Project, the term itself, means that China is researching the history of the northeastern region. However, China is depriving the region of its culture and history on the excuse of the Northeast Project. Among the northeastern countries, Korea was no exception. For example, Chinese people claimed that kimchi is Chinese food, saying that it is the same as Paichai, a traditional Chinese food. At the Hangzhou Asian Game, Chinese labeled Kimchi as Paochai, causing great controversy. Professor Seo Gyeog deok of Sungshin Women’s University fired back by protesting to the Asian Game organizing committee. Professor Seo Gyeong deok said,”China’s wrong cultural process must be corrected”. Moreover, Teakwondo,Korea’s traditional martial art,cannot be left out. China claimed that Teakwondo belongs to China. In response,Korean netizens lamented,saying,”do they even distort Teakwondo?”. Recently,Teakwondo appears in most of the Chinese dramas. Then how should we respond to China’s Northest Project? There is a need to pay attention to the Northest project. Should we speak up or ignore it?

이전글 10728 최서준
다음글 10903 길성준