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작성자 안용준 등록일 23.11.22 조회수 28
herald.hwp (90.5KB) (다운횟수:17)
The 'Don't Ask Stabbing' That Scared the Nation 
A few months ago, there was a 'Don't Ask stabbing' at Sillim Station. The perpetrator of the stabbing is 33 years old and his name is Chosun. The process of the case is like this. He arrived at his grandmother's house in Seoul by taxi from Incheon, where he lived. After seeing his grandmother, he stole two weapons from a mart near his grandmother's house and arrived at Sillim Station by taxi again. After getting off the taxi, he approached the first victim, who was smoking in front of the building at the entrance of the alley, with a weapon hidden, and attacked him indiscriminately. He then entered the alley and swung a weapon at the faces and necks of three men in their 30s, and was eventually overwhelmed while wandering with a weapon. He stated in a police investigation that he wanted to make others as unhappy as himself, saying that it was murder by inferiority complex. However, later he explained in the trial that "there was no anger or inferiority complex against men of his age." And he said he didn't intend to kill, and that he attacked men because of severe paranoia that someone was following him. He had a criminal record of three convictions and 14 cases of juvenile law, and a psychopathic diagnostic test resulted in psychopathy. Since then, it seems to have affected the next stabbing at Seohyun Station. As the stabbing incident occurs, people's anxiety and fear are growing evermore. 

이전글 10922 장시훈
다음글 10822 정재호