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10620 이재준
작성자 이재준 등록일 23.11.22 조회수 29
해럴드.hwp (7KB) (다운횟수:20)

What Needs to Be done to Stop

the Discharge Of Contaminated Water


The Japanese government's decision to release contaminated water from nuclear power plants into the sea is paving the way for environmental destruction. This decision does not appear to take into account the potential devastating impact on our marine environment and ecosystem.


 First, the released water will flow into the ocean for decades and cause environmental pollution. Other pollutants released along with radioactive materials will have a significant impact on marine ecosystems, which will threaten the health of fish species and other marine life. Second, the discharge raises concerns about the health and safety of the surrounding countries and local residents. Radioactive materials can be diffused through water and air, which could lead to radioactive contamination. In addition, this decision could cause international conflicts, and there are concerns that it could escalate with Japan's neighbors. Cooperation with the international community and transparency through accurate experiments are essential to solving these problems. Finally, many experts concerned that the alternative review has not been done sufficiently. More environmentally friendly alternatives must be considered before discharging, and rigorous evaluation and transparency must be ensured.


 The Japanese government is responsible for prioritizing the protection of the environment and the safety of local residents, and it should review its decision to discharge contaminated water and seriously consider alternative methods. Support and cooperation from the international community are important to avoid environmental pollution and ecological destruction, and we must protect our seas and ecosystems.




이전글 10120 이정현
다음글 10820 이종민