앙성중학교 로고이미지


페이스북 공유하기 트위터 공유하기 카카오톡 공유하기 카카오스토리 공유하기 네이버밴드 공유하기 프린트하기
2014년 2015년 2016년
1 2 3 4
Jiho's Brand Story
Jiho's Brand Story
Jiho's Brand Story
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Jiho's Brand Story
The Prince and the Pauper
The Prince and the Pauper
The Prince and the Pauper
The Prince and the Pauper
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
The Prince and the Pauper
Jiho's Brand Story
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
26 27 28 29 30 31  
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
The Magic Finger
  • 15.07.01
    - Jiho's Brand Story
    Hi, my name is Jiho, and I run my own business.
    안녕. 내 이름은 지호이고, 나는 내 사업을 운영해.

    I made my own brand of bookmarks.
    나는 내 브랜드의 책갈피를 만들었어.

    Let me tell you how my brand was born.
    너에게 내 브랜드가 어떻게 만들어졌는지 말해 줄게.

    I'm good at making things,
    나는 물건을 만드는 것을 잘해.

    so I made a bookmark for my best friend Minsu's birthday.
    그래서 나는 내 가장 친한 친구인 민수의 생일을 위해 책갈피를 만들었어.

    Minsu was very impressed by the bookmark.
    민수는 내 책갈피에 매우 감동을 받았어.

    He suggested that I sell my bookmarks.
    그는 내가 책갈피를 팔 것을 제안했어.

    I got excited about the idea of starting my own business.
    나는 내 사업을 시작한다는 생각에 흥분이 됐어.

    I enjoy making bookmarks,
    나는 책갈피를 만드는 것을 즐겼고,

    and it will be great if I can make money, too.
    만약 내가 돈을 벌 수 있다면 멋질 거야.
  • 15.07.02
    - Jiho's Brand Story
    이름 짓기
    First, I needed a name.
    첫째, 나는 이름이 필요했어.

    Finding a good name wasn't easy.
    좋은 이름을 찾는 것은 쉽지 않았어.

    The first name that came to my mind was "Jiho's Amazing Bookmarks,"
    내 마음에 떠오른 첫 번째 이름은 '지호의 놀라운 책갈피'였어.

    but the name wasn't special.
    하지만 그 이름은 특별하지 않았어.

    It was also too long.
    그것은 너무 길기도 했어.

    I thought of other names but wasn't satisfied with any of them.
    나는 다른 이름들을 생각했지만 그중 어떤 것도 만족스럽지 않았어.

    Finally, I found a perfect name, "Bookee,"
    마침내, 나는 '부키'라는 완벽한 이름을 찾았어.

    I also made a logo for my brand.
    나는 내 브랜드를 위한 로고도 만들었어.
  • 15.07.03
    - Jiho's Brand Story
    가격 매기기

    I didn't know how much my bookmarks should be,
    나는 내 책갈피가 얼마가 되어야 하는지 몰랐어.

    so I found out how much bookmarks were.
    그래서 나는 책갈피들이 얼마인지 알아냈어.

    There were expensive ones,
    비싼 것들도 있었지만

    but the average price was about 500 won for ordinary ones.
    보통의 책갈피들의 평균 가격은 약 500원이었어.

    The materials for making a bookmark cost only about 200 won.
    책갈피를 만드는 데 필요한 재료는 약 200원밖에 들지 않았어.

    I thought 2,000 won would be a good price
    나는 2,000원이 좋은 가격일 거라고 생각했어.

    because I wanted peole to know that my bookmarks were special.
    왜냐하면 나는 사람들이 내 책갈피가 특별하다는 것을 알아 주길 원했기 때문이야.

    However, Minsu thought the price was too expensive,
    하지만 민수는 그 가격이 너무 비싸다고 생각했어.

    so I decied that 1,000 won would be reasonable.
    그래서 나는 1,000원이 합리적일 거라고 결정했어.
  • 15.07.06
    - Jiho's Brand Story

    Who should I sell my bookmarks to?
    누구에게 내 책갈피를 팔아야 할까?

    Minsu suggested that I sell my bookmarks to the book club members,
    민수는 내가 책 동아리 멤버들에게 내 책갈피를 팔 것을 제안했어.

    so I first gave a free bookmark to Sujin, the club president.
    그래서 나는 먼저 그 동아리의 회장인 수진이에게 공짜 책갈피를 주었어.
    She loved it and told the other members about my bookmarks.

    Word got around to other people.
    다른 사람들에게 소문이 퍼졌어.

    Soon, people were lining up to buy my bookmarks.
    곧, 사람들은 내 책갈피를 사기 위해 줄을 서고 있었지.

    This is my brand story.
    이게 내 브랜드 이야기야.

    Starting a business isn't easy.
    사업을 시작하는 것은 쉽지 않아.

    It does take a lot of time and effort.
    매우 많은 시간과 노력이 들지.

    However, it's also fun.
    하지만 재미있기도 해.

    I hope one day, the world will buy my bookmarks.
    나는 언젠가 세계가 내 책갈피를 살 것을 희망해.
  • 15.07.07
    - The Prince and the Pauper
    왕자와 거지

    Chapter 7. Edward's First Night Away from the Palace

    "Leave the boy alone!" Mrs. Canty shouted.
    "아이를 내버려 둬요!" 캔티 부인이 소리쳤다.

    Canty looked at his wife in amazement.
    캔티는 놀라서 그의 아내를 바라보았다.

    "How dare you speak to me that way.
    "네가 감히 나한테 소리를 쳐?

    I will do as I like in my own home."
    내 집이니까 내 마음대로 해."

    He let go of the boy, though, and told him to get to bed.
    그는 소년에게 자러 가라고 했다.
  • 15.07.08
    - The Prince and the Pauper
    왕자와 거지

    Chapter 5. Tom Learns the Rules of the Palace

    After the girls left, Tom realized that he was tired.
    그 소녀들이 떠난 후, 톰은 피곤하다는 것을 깨달았다.

    It had been a long day.
    긴 하루였다.

    He asked Lord Hertford and the others in the room
    그는 로드 허트포드와 방에 있는 다른 사람들에게

    if he could be alone for a while.
    잠시 동안 혼자 있어도 되느냐고 물었다.

    "Of course," Lord Hertford said.
    "물론이지요." 로드 허트포드가 말했다.

    "It is for you to command and for us to obey."
    왕자께서 명령하시면 저희는 따릅니다."

    Everyone left the room expect the servants.
    하인들은 기다렸고, 모두 방을 나갔다.

    Tom waited for them to exit as well.
    톰은 그들도 나가길 기다렸다.

    "Thank you for your help," he said,
    ”도와주셔서 감사합니다만," 그는 말했다.

    "but I think I’ll take a nap now."
    "저는 이제 낮잠을 잘 것 같아요."

    "Of course, sir," one of them said.
    "네, 왕자님." 그들 중 한 명이 말했다.
  • 15.07.09
    - The Prince and the Pauper
    왕자와 거지

    Chapter 5. Tom Learns the Rules of the Palace

    "Of course, sir," one of them said.
    "예, 왕자님." 그들 중 한 명이 말했다.

    He took hold of Tom’s cape and began to undo the buttons.
    그는 톰의 망토를 잡았고, 단추를 풀기 시작했다.

    Tom realized that they were there to help him undress.
    톰은 그들이 그의 옷을 벗겨 준다는 것을 깨달았다.

    He remembered Prince Edward’s surprise
    그의 누나들이 도움을 받지 않고 옷을 입고 벗는다는 것에

    that his sisters didn’t have help dressing and undressing.
    에드워드 왕자가 놀랐던 것을 그는 기억했다.

    Tom decided not to argue.
    톰은 논쟁하지 않기로 결정했다.

    Instead, he accepted their with a big sigh.
    대신에 그는 크게 한숨을 쉬며 그들을 받아들였다.
  • 15.07.10
    - The Prince and the Pauper
    왕자와 거지

    Chapter 5. Tom Learns the Rules of the Palace

    Although Tom was dining alone,
    톰은 식당에 혼자 있었음에도 불구하고,

    he was not alone in the room.
    방에서는 혼자가 아니었다.

    He was surrounded by servants and servers.
    그는 하인들과 시중 드는 사람들에게 둘러싸여 있었다.

    Tom thought it odd that although he finally had enough to eat,
    톰은 결국 충분히 먹었지만 식사를 즐기는 것은 힘들었다는 게

    it was hard to enjoy the meal.
    묘하다고 생각했다.

    He looked at his napkin.
    그는 그의 냅킨을 바라보았다.

    It was made of a frail and delicate fabric.
    그것은 얇고 섬세한 옷감으로 만들어졌다.

    Colorful thread lined the edges.
    화려한 실이 테두리에 그어져 있었다.

    It was quite beautiful.
    그것은 꽤 아름다웠다.

    "Please take this away," he said to the butler.
    "이거 가져가 주세요." 그는 집사에게 말했다.

    "I wouldn't want to dirty it."
    "저는 그것을 더럽히고 싶지 않아요."
  • 15.07.13
    - The Prince and the Pauper
    왕자와 거지

    Chapter 5. Tom Learns the Rules of the Palace

    The butler took the napkin from Tom without a comment.
    그 집사는 말 없이 톰에게서 냅킨을 가져갔다.

    The servants watched Tom while he ate.
    하인들은 톰이 먹는 동안 지켜보았다.

    It was hard to see their prince in such a state.
    이런 상태에서 왕자를 보는 것은 어려웠다.

    He used the wrong fork when eating his salad,
    그는 샐러드를 먹을 때 포크를 잘못 사용했고,

    he slurped from his cup,
    컵에서 후루룩 소리를 냈고,

    and he poked at his vegetables.
    채소들을 쿡쿡 찔렀다.
  • 15.07.14
    - Jiho's Brand Story
    Tips for Naming
    이름 짓기에 도움이 되는 조언들

    1. Make a unique name.
    1. 독특한 이름을 만들어라.

    2. Keep the name short.
    2. 이름은 짧게 만들어라.

    3. Make sure the name is easy to remember.
    3. 반드시 이름은 기억하게 쉽게 만들어라.

    Tips for Pricing
    가격 매기기에 도움이 되는 조언들

    1. Check the prices of similar products.
    1. 비슷한 상품들의 가격을 확인해라.

    2. Consider how much it costs to make the product.
    2. 상품을 만드는 데 얼마가 드는지 고려해라.

    3. Come up with a reasonable price.
    3. 합리적인 가격을 생각해내라.

    Tips for Marketing
    판매하기에 도움이 되는 조언들

    1. Find a market.
    1. 시장을 찾아라.

    2. Give out free samples.
    2. 무료 샘플들을 나누어 주어라.

    3. Word got around about the product.
    3. 상품에 대한 소문을 내라.
  • 15.07.15
    - The Magic Finger
    The farm next to ours is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Gregg.
    우리 집 옆 농장은 그레그 씨와 그레그 부인의 소유야.

    The Greggs have two children, both of them boys.
    그레그 부부에게는 두 아이가 있는데, 둘 다 남자 아이야.

    Their names are Philip and William.
    그들의 이름은 필립과 윌리엄이야.

    Sometimes I go over to their farm to play with them.
    가끔 나는 그들과 놀기 위해 그들의 농장에 가.

    I am a girl and I am eight years old.
    나는 여자 아이고, 여덟 살이야.

    Philip is also eight years old.
    필립도 여덟 살이야.

    William is three years older. He is ten.
    윌리엄은 세 살이 많아. 그는 열 살이야.


    Oh, all right, then.
    오, 맞다, 그래.

    He is eleven.
    그는 일곱 살이야.

    Last week, something very funny happened to the Gregg family.
    저번 주에 그레그 가족에게 매우 재미있는 일이 일어났었어.

    I am going to tell you about it as best I can.
    내가 말할 수 있는 최선으로 그것에 대해 이야기해 줄게.
  • 15.07.16
    - The Magic Finger
    Now the one thing that Mr. Gregg and his two boys loved to do more than anything else was to go hunting.

    Every Saturday morning they would take their guns and go off into the woods to look for animals and birds to shoot.

    Even Philip, who was only eight years old, had a gun of his own.

    I can't stand hunting.

    I just can't stand it.

    It doesn't seem right to me that men and boys should kill animals just for the fun they get out of it.

    So I used to try to stop Philip and William from doing it.

    Every time I went over to their farm I would do my best to talk them out of it,

    but they only laughed at me.
  • 15.07.17
    - The Magic Finger
    I even said something about it once to Mr. Gregg,

    but he just walked on past me as if I wasn't there.

    Then, one Saturday morning,

    I saw Philip and William coming out of the woods with their father,

    and they were carrying a lovely young deer.

    This made me so cross that I started shouting at them.

    The boys laughed and made faces at me,

    and Mr. Gregg told me to go home and mind my own P's and Q's.

    Well, that did it!

    I saw red.

    And before I was able to stop myself,

    I did something I never meant to do.
  • 15.07.20
    - The Magic Finger

    Oh, dear! Oh, dear!

    I even put it on Mrs. Gregg, who wasn't there.

    I put it on the whole Gregg family.

    For months I had been telling myself that I would never put the Magic Finger upon anyone again

    -not after what happened to my teacher, old Mrs. Winter.

    Poor old Mrs. Winter.
  • 15.07.21
    - The Magic Finger
    One day we were in class, and she was teaching us spelling.

    'Stand up,' she said to me, 'and spell cat.'

    'That's and easy one,' I said. 'K-a-t.'

    'You are a stupid little girl!' Mrs. Winter said.

    'I am not a stupid little girl!' I cried.

    'I am a very nice little girl!'

    'Go and stand in the corner,' Mrs. Winter said.

    Then I got cross, and I saw red,

    and I put the Magic Finger on Mrs. Winter good and strong, and almost at once...

    Guess what?
  • 15.07.22
    - The Magic Finger
    Whiskers began growing out of her face!

    They were long black whiskers, just like the ones you see on a cat, only much bigger.

    And how fast they grew!

    Before we had time to think, they were out to her ears!

    Of course the whole class started screaming with laughter,

    and then Mrs. Winter said,

    'Will you be so kind as to tell me what you find so madly funny, all of you?'

    And when she turned around to write something on the blackboard we saw that she had grown a tail as well!
  • 15.07.23
    - The Magic Finger
    It was a huge bushy tail!

    I cannot begin to tell you what happened after that,

    but if any of you are wondering whether Mrs. Winter is quite all right again now,

    the answer is No.

    And she never will be.

    The Magic Finger is something I have been able to do all my life.

    I can't tell you just how I do it,

    because I don't even know myself.
  • 15.07.24
    - The Magic Finger
    But if always happens when I get cross, when I see red...

    Then I get very, very hot all over...

    Then the tip of the forefinger of my right hand begins to tingle most terribly...

    And suddenly a sort of flash comes out of me, a quick flash, like something electric.

    It jumps out and touches the person who has made me cross...
  • 15.07.27
    - The Magic Finger
    And after that the Magic Finger is upon him or her, and things begin to happen...

    Well, the Magic Finger was now upon the whole of the Gregg family,

    and there was no taking it off again.

    I ran home and waited for things to happen.

    They happened fast.

    I shall now tell you what those things were.

    I got the whole story from Philip and William the next morning, after it was all over.
  • 15.07.28
    - The Magic Finger
    In the afternoon of the very same day that I put the Magic Finger on the Gregg family,

    Mr. Gregg and Philip and William went out hunting once again.

    This time they were going after wild ducks, so they headed towards the lake.

    In the first hour they got ten birds.

    In the next hour they got another six.

    'What a day!' cried Mr. Gregg.

    'This is the best yet!' He was beside himself with joy.

    Just then four more wild ducks flew over their heads.
  • 15.07.29
    - The Magic Finger
    They were flying very low.

    They were easy to hit.

    BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! went the guns.

    The ducks flew on.

    'We missed!' said Mr. Gregg.

    'That's funny.'

    Then, to everyone's surprise, the four ducks turned around and came flying right back to the guns.

    'Hey!' said Mr. Gregg.

    'What on earth are they doing? They are really asking for it this time!'

    He shot at them again.
  • 15.07.30
    - The Magic Finger
    So did the boys.

    And again they all missed!

    Mr. Gregg got very red in the face.

    'It's the light,' he said.

    'It's getting too dark to see. Let's go home.'

    So they started for home, carrying with them the sixteen birds they had shot before.

    But the four ducks would not leave them alone.
  • 15.07.31
    - The Magic Finger
    They now began flying around and around the hunters as they walked away.

    Mr. Gregg did not like it one bit.

    'Be off!' he cried, and he shot at them many more times,

    but it was no good.

    He simply could not hit them.

    All the way home those four ducks flew around in the sky above their heads,

    and nothing would make them go away.