앙성중학교 로고이미지


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2014년 2015년 2016년
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great expectations
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  • 15.06.01
    - great expectations
    Estella won the first game.

    I dealt another hand.

    When I made a mistake, Estella told me I was foolish and silly.

    Miss Havisham said, "She say mean things about you, boy.

    What do you say about her."

    "It isn't polite,ma'am."

    "Whisper in my ear."

    I whispered Estella was proud, pretty,and perhaps too mean.

    "I think I'd like to go home now."

    Miss havisham said, "Finish the game first."

    Estella beat me again and again.

    When we finished plating, Miss Havisham told me to come back in six days.

    "Yes,ma'am,"I said.

    "Estella," she said slowly, "feed him. Let him roam around the
    courtyard before he leaves."

    I followed Estella and her candle through the house.

    the sunlight almost blinded me when she opened the door.

    "Wait here, boy."

    The door siammed, Estella set the courtyard. and returned, Estella set down bread and meat on a stone as if I were a dog.

    Feelings of anger and hurt welled up inside me and I started to cry.
  • 15.06.06
    - 현충일