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The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
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The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
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The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
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The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
부처님 오신 날
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
  • 15.05.05
    - 어린이날
  • 15.05.07
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
    Next to the shidle was a sign that read: Whoever strikes this shield does so at his own risk.
    이 방패는 자신의 위험에 그렇게 파업 누구든지 : shidle에 다음 읽기 표시를했다.

    Sir Myles had grabbed the hammer and hit the black shield.
    선생님 마일스는 망치를 잡고 검은 방패를 공격했다.

    The castle's great doors had fallen open and a knight dressed entirely in sable armor had come charging out to the center of the bridge.
    성곽의 큰 문이 열려 떨어졌다과 검은 담비 갑옷 완전히 옷을 입고 나이트 브리지의 중심에 밖으로 충전 왔었다.
  • 15.05.10
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
    책을 학교에 놓고 왔으므로 월요일이 되면 빠른 시간내로 영어를 끝내겠습니다 교장선생님.
  • 15.05.12
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
  • 15.05.14
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
    Just on the other side of the bridge was an apple tree.
    그냥 다리의 반대편에 사과 나무였다.

    Its branches were hang-ing low with a large number of shields.
    그 지점은 방패 많은 수의 낮은 매달려 있었다.

    In the middle of the bridge was a single black shield.
    다리의 중간에 하나의 검은 방패이었다.

    Beside it was a hammer of brass.
    옆에 황동의 망치이었다.
  • 15.05.17
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
    Watching this magic, Merlin made a wish - namely that all who might ever hear this story, including you, would realize that they too may succeed in the things they try.
    이 마법을보고, 멀린은 소원을 이루어 - 즉 지금, 당신을 포함하여이 이야기를들을 수있는 모든 사람이 너무 그들이 시도 것들에 성공할 수 있음을 깨닫게 것

    They need only passionately pull the sword of their dreams out from the solid iron of their situation.
    그들은 단지 열정적으로 자신의 상황의 고체 철에서 자신의 꿈의 칼을 꺼내해야합니다.

    Think about that, won't you, as this story continues.
    이 이야기는 계속, 당신은하지 않습니다, 그것에 대해 생각합니다.
  • 15.05.19
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
  • 15.05.21
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
  • 15.05.24
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
  • 15.05.25
    - 부처님 오신 날
  • 15.05.26
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
  • 15.05.28
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
  • 15.05.31
    - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights