앙성중학교 로고이미지


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2015년 2016년 2017년
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  • 16.01.01
    - 신정
  • 16.01.14
    - 일기
    Today, I went to Lotte World Adventure with my crazy friends.
    We were worried about weather.
    Because it was snowing ouyside.
    We have a very nice time in there.
  • 16.01.29
    - 일기
    Today,I got a surprise present.
    It's wonderful present for me.
    The room I study is so cold to take Internet lesson.
    So my parents bought me a laptop!!!
    I'm so happy about it.
  • 16.01.30
    - 일기
    Today, I went to the sea with my family.
    We left at 3.
    We left late cause we wanted to see the sea at night.
    We arrived at the sea on 6.
    So, we went to sushi restaurant.
    After dinner, we went to Gyeongpodae to see a sea at night,
    The sea at night was most beautiful ever I seen.