일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
The first ...
I heard me...
I swam awa...
The first ...
I heard me...
I swam awa...
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
six school...
Months pas...
with my le...
Months pas...
with my le...
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Usually, t...
I made my ...
I had stol...
I decided ...
The emlero...
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | ||
- 15.04.01
- The first ...
- The first six months at sea were tough.
바다에서의 첫6개월은 힘든?엄격?했습니다
But I was happy working on board the ship.
하지만 배에서의 보드작업?(board)은 행복했습니다.
Too soon, that happy ness was taken away.
너무빨리 그행복함을 빼앗겼습니다
We were drifting through a thick mist on a hazy afternoon
우리는 오후에 두꺼운안개를 통해표류하고
It was hard to see.
그것을보고 놀랏다(힘들었다?)
No one noticed a rock sticking out of the water until our ship crashed into it.
아무도 바위를 인식하지못했다. 우리의 배가 물에서 튕겨나와? 추락하기 전까진
I was thrown overboard.
나는 배밖으로 던져졌다.
- 15.04.01
- The first ...
- The first six months at sea were tough.
바다에서의 첫6개월은 힘든?엄격?했습니다
But I was happy working on board the ship.
하지만 배에서의 보드작업?(board)은 행복했습니다.
Too soon, that happy ness was taken away.
너무빨리 그행복함을 빼앗겼습니다
We were drifting through a thick mist on a hazy afternoon
우리는 오후에 두꺼운안개를 통해표류하고
It was hard to see.
그것을보고 놀랏다(힘들었다?)
No one noticed a rock sticking out of the water until our ship crashed into it.
아무도 바위를 인식하지못했다. 우리의 배가 물에서 튕겨나와? 추락하기 전까진
I was thrown overboard.
나는 배밖으로 던져졌다.
- 15.04.02
- I heard me...
- I heard men Th ey scram shouting.
나는 어서꺼져 라는남성의 외침을 들었다
bled for the lifeboats.
구명보트?를 위해 피를뽑다?
But I could not even see the ship through all the fog
하지만 모든안개에 가려 나는 배를 볼수 없었다
My cries for help were lost amongthe other shouts
도움을위한 나의 외침은 다른 함성속에 둘러싸여 사라졌다?
The tide pulled me away from my fellow sailors.
조류는 동료선원에게서 저를 멀리 떨어ㅌ립니다
To save myself, I had to swim in the direction the ocean pushed me.
내자신을 구하기위해, 나는바다가 밀어내는 방향으로 헤엄쳤다.
I only hoped that the rock in the sea meant land was nearby.
난단지 바다에 있던 바위가 땅근처 였기를 바랫다
- 15.04.02
- I heard me...
- I heard men Th ey scram shouting.
나는 어서꺼져 라는남성의 외침을 들었다
bled for the lifeboats.
구명보트?를 위해 피를뽑다?
But I could not even see the ship through all the fog
하지만 모든안개에 가려 나는 배를 볼수 없었다
My cries for help were lost amongthe other shouts
도움을위한 나의 외침은 다른 함성속에 둘러싸여 사라졌다?
The tide pulled me away from my fellow sailors.
조류는 동료선원에게서 저를 멀리 떨어ㅌ립니다
To save myself, I had to swim in the direction the ocean pushed me.
내자신을 구하기위해, 나는바다가 밀어내는 방향으로 헤엄쳤다.
I only hoped that the rock in the sea meant land was nearby.
난단지 바다에 있던 바위가 땅근처 였기를 바랫다
- 15.04.03
- I swam awa...
- I swam away, pulling the entire fleet of ships along behind me.
나는 내뒤를따라 배와함대 전체를 멀리당겨 수영햇다
Back in Lilliput, the people cheered my victory.
Lilliput은 돌아왓고 사람은 승리한나에게 환호햇다
I was a hero.
나는 영웅이 됫다
They plucked the arrows from my skin and soothed the cuts with medicine.
그들은 내피부에서 화살을뽑고 의학상처를 달랫다
- 15.04.03
- I swam awa...
- I swam away, pulling the entire fleet of ships along behind me.
나는 내뒤를따라 배와함대 전체를 멀리당겨 수영햇다
Back in Lilliput, the people cheered my victory.
Lilliput은 돌아왓고 사람은 승리한나에게 환호햇다
I was a hero.
나는 영웅이 됫다
They plucked the arrows from my skin and soothed the cuts with medicine.
그들은 내피부에서 화살을뽑고 의학상처를 달랫다
- 15.04.06
- six school...
- six schoolteachers taught me their lan guage.
여섯학교의 교사가 나에게 lan guage를 가르?다
Even so, I was a prisoner.
그래도나는 죄수였다
As long as the people were afraid of me, I would never be free.
사람이나를 두려워했듯이, 나는 자유롭게되는것은 아니다
So I was on my best behavior.
그것이 내최고의 행동?이였다
Sometimes I lay on my back and let men and women dance in my palms Children played games of hide-and seek in my hair.
때때로 나는 Back에누워 남자아이들과여자아이들은 내손바닥에서 춤을추고 어린아이들은 내머리카락속에서 숨바꼭질을 한다
Soldiers rode their horses all around me, leaping over my hands and feet.
병사들은 내주위에서 말들탔고, 손바닥과 발위에서 뛰었다
- 15.04.07
- Months pas...
- Months passed, and I asked again and again to have my chain removed
몇개월이지나고 나는 내사슬을 제거해달라고 몇번이고 물었다
The emperor wanted to set me free.
황제은 나를 자유롭게 해주고싶어했습니다
But not everyone agrees.
하지만 모두가 동의하지 않는다
skyresh Bolgolam was one of the emperor's most trusted advisers.
skyresh Bolgolam은 황제가 가장신뢰하는 조언자중 한명이였습니다.
He argued to keep me locked up
그는 내잠금?을 유지하는것을 주장했다
- 15.04.07
- Months pas...
- Months passed, and I asked again and again to have my chain removed
몇개월이지나고 나는 내사슬을 제거해달라고 몇번이고 물었다
The emperor wanted to set me free.
황제은 나를 자유롭게 해주고싶어했습니다
But not everyone agrees.
하지만 모두가 동의하지 않는다
skyresh Bolgolam was one of the emperor's most trusted advisers.
skyresh Bolgolam은 황제가 가장신뢰하는 조언자중 한명이였습니다.
He argued to keep me locked up
그는 내잠금?을 유지하는것을 주장했다
- 15.04.08
- One day, skyresh was finally out voted.
어느날, skyresh가 투표했다
But skyresh added one condition to my freedom.
그러나 skyresh는 내자유에 한가지조건을 추가하였습니다
I had to agree to a contract.
나는 계약에 동의해야 했습니다
Skyresh brought the contract to my temple himself. It said:
Skyresh는 내사원과 자신과의 계약을 하였다. 그가 말했다
1. The Man-Mountain shall not leave the country of Lilliput
without permission.
1. 허가없이 맨마운틴 리리팟토 국가를 떠나선 안된다
- 15.04.09
- ...
2. He shall not enter the capital city unless invited.
2. 초대되지 않는한 수도를 입력하지 않는다
3. He shall walk only upon our roads. He will not trample our fields.
3. 우리의 도로만 걷는다. 우리 사원의땅을 유린하지 않는다
4. He shall be careful not to trample our people or horses, either.
4. 우리사원의 사람이나 말을 유린하지 않는다
- 15.04.09
- ...
2. He shall not enter the capital city unless invited.
2. 초대되지 않는한 수도를 입력하지 않는다
3. He shall walk only upon our roads. He will not trample our fields.
3. 우리의 도로만 걷는다. 우리 사원의땅을 유린하지 않는다
4. He shall be careful not to trample our people or horses, either.
4. 우리사원의 사람이나 말을 유린하지 않는다
- 15.04.10
- with my le...
- with my leg chained, I could not walk more than two yards from the temple.
내다리는 사슬에묶여, 나는 성전에서 두걸음이상걸을수 없었다
But I could lay my entire body down inside the building.
하지만 건물전체에 내몸을 내려놓을수/눕힐수 있었습니다
It was both my home and my prison.
내집이자 감옥이기도 했다
All the nearby villages delivered six cows, forty sheep, and ten carts of bread to my temple each day.
모든인근마을에서는 매일내사원에 6마리에소 49마리의양 빵10개의
짐수레를 제공했습니다
- 15.04.10
- with my le...
- with my leg chained, I could not walk more than two yards from the temple.
내다리는 사슬에묶여, 나는 성전에서 두걸음이상걸을수 없었다
But I could lay my entire body down inside the building.
하지만 건물전체에 내몸을 내려놓을수/눕힐수 있었습니다
It was both my home and my prison.
내집이자 감옥이기도 했다
All the nearby villages delivered six cows, forty sheep, and ten carts of bread to my temple each day.
모든인근마을에서는 매일내사원에 6마리에소 49마리의양 빵10개의
짐수레를 제공했습니다
- 15.04.13
- Usually, t...
- Usually, though, I did not go far from my temple home
일반적으로 though 내사원의 집에서 멀리가지 않았다
many people came to visit me there.
많은사람들이 나를찾아왔다
One was a lord of the emperor's court named Reldresal He had argued with skyresh on the sub- ject of my freedom.
I was always happy to see him.
나는항상 그를보고 행복햇다
I held him in my palm when we spoke
우리가말을할때 나는 그를 손에잡고있었다
One day Reldresal explained that the emperor wanted my help
어느날 reldresal은 황제가 나의 도움을필요로한다고 설명햇다
- 15.04.14
- I made my ...
- I made my way to the palace as quickly as
나는 궁전에 가능한빨리 내길을 만들 었다
I could without trampling any of the people
Dozens of men and women were throwing buckets of water at the blaze
남성과 여성 수십명이 화재를 향해 물양동이를 던지고 있었다
The buckets were about the size of thimbles
그 양동이 thimbles의 크기에 관한 것이었다.
The fire was so big that the water did little good
불은 너무크고 물은 작아 좋았다?
Then I had a marvelous idea
나는 놀라운 생각을 했다
- 15.04.15
- I had stol...
- I had stolen the fleet so that Blefuscu would not invade Lilliput
나는 함대를 훔치지말고 lilliput와 Blefuscu가 서로 침범하지 말라고 하였다
I could not turn around and help Lilliput in vade Blefuscu
내가 돌아서서 lilliput의 blefuscu침입하는데 별도움이 될수 없었다??(번역기)
soon after, the two empires signed a peace treaty
곧 두제국은 평화협약에 서명했다
They still disagreed about egg, but their war was over at last
그들은 여전히 계란에대하여 반대, 하지만 그들의 마지막 전쟁은 끝났다
It was not long before I had a chance to do the emperor anorher great favor
그것은 오래전에 황제에게 다른 큰부탁을 할수있는 기회를 주었다
- 15.04.16
- I decided ...
- I decided to empty my bladder directly on the fire
내가 직접 그불위에 내방광을 비우기로 결정했다
Within minutes, the fire was out
몇분안에 불을 껏다
The palace was saved!
궁전을 지켯다!
not every theought I was a hero
모두 내가영웅이 아니라고 생각했다
late one night, Reldresal paid me a surprise visit
늦은밤, Reldresal 이 깜작?방문햇다
This time, he asked th speak to me in private
이시간, 그는 나의 사생활?에대해 물엇다
I sent my servants waay and bolted the door
- 15.04.17
- The emlero...
- The emleror was so pleased
황제는 기뻐햇다
That he began making plans to attck Blefuscu
그는 Blefuscu를 공격할 계획을 짜기시작햇다
He wanted to become its ruler
그는 통치자가 되길원했다
But I fold him that peace better
그러나 나는 그에게 평화는 좋은거라고 말했다