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2014년 2015년 2016년
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Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
영어숙제 (How deep is your love?) 오글주의
영어숙제 (How deep is your love?) 오글주의
영어숙제 (L-O-V-E)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
영어숙제 (L-O-V-E)
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
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Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
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Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
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sleeping Beauty
  • 15.08.03
    - Sleeping Beauty
    Thah night, the flames from a massive bonfire could be seen for miles. They licked the dark sky like serpents'yongues
    그날밤, 거대한 모닥불로인한 불길이 수 마일(엄청난 거리)에 걸쳐 보였어요.
    그 불꽃은 마치 큰 뱀의 혀처럼 어두운 하늘을 핥았어요.
  • 15.08.04
    - Sleeping Beauty
    The years passed and Rose grew into a delightful girl.
    Everyone she met adored her.
    몇년이 지나고, 로즈는 쾌활한 소녀로 자랐어요. 모두가 그녀를 흠모하며 만났어요.
  • 15.08.05
    - 영어숙제 (How deep is your love?) 오글주의
    I know your eyes in the morning sun
    I feel you touch me in the pouring rain
    And the moment that you wander far from me
    I wanna feel you in my arms again
    And you come to me on a summer

    *팝송 아닐수도;;
    Breeze keep me warm in your love
    Then you softly leave me
    And it's me you need to show
    How deep is your love
    How deep is your love
    I really mean to learn
    'Cause we're livin' in a world of fools
    Breakin' us down
    When they all should let us be
    We belong to you and me
    I believe in you
    You know the door to my very soul
    You're the light in my deepest darkest hour
    You're my savior when I fall
    And you may not think I care for you
    When you know down inside
    I really do
    And it's me you need to show
  • 15.08.06
    - 영어숙제 (How deep is your love?) 오글주의
    How deep is your love
    How deep is your love
    I really mean to learn
    'Cause we're livin' in a world of fools
    Breakin' us down

    *팝송 아닐수도;;
    When they all should let us be
    We belong to you and me

    La La.. La La

    And you come to me on a summer
    Breeze keep me warm in your love
    Then you softly leave me
    And it's me you need to show
    How deep is your love
    How deep is your love
    I really mean to learn
    'Cause we're livin' in a world of fools
    Breakin' us down
    When they all should let us be
    We belong to you and me
  • 15.08.07
    - 영어숙제 (L-O-V-E)
    L is for the way you look at me
    O is for the only one I see
    V is very very extraordinary
    E is even more than anyone that you adore can love
    It's all that I can give to you
    Love is more than just a game for two
    Two in love can make it
    Take my heart but please don't break it
    Love was made for me and you

    *팝송 아닐수도;;
  • 15.08.10
    - 영어숙제 (L-O-V-E)
    Yeah L is for the way you look - you're lookin' at me
    And O is for the only one I see
    V is so very very extraordinary
    Now E is even more than any-any-anyone that you adore can love
    It's all that I'm gonna give to you

    *팝송 아닐수도;;
    Oh love is more than just a game for two
    Two in love can make it
    Take my heart but please don't you break it
    'Cause love was made for me and you
    I'm a-tellin' you that love was made for me and you
  • 15.08.11
    - Sleeping Beauty
    She danced, sang and played music as wonderfully as the fairies had wished.
    그녀는 요정들의 소원대로 놀랄만큼 노래와 춤을 잘 췄어요.
  • 15.08.12
    - Sleeping Beauty
    She was clever and played to win.
    그녀는 영리하고 놀이(체스) 에서 이겼어요.
  • 15.08.13
    - Sleeping Beauty
    Rose loved playing hide-and-seek in the castle gardens.
    로즈 는 성 정원에서 숨바꼭질을 하면서 노는것을 좋아했어요.
  • 15.08.14
    - Sleeping Beauty
    And, secretly, she liked to sketch the prince of her dreams.
    그리고,그녀는 몰래,꿈속의(상상속의) 왕자를 그리는것을 좋아해어요.
  • 15.08.15
    - 광복절
  • 15.08.17
    - 대체공휴일
  • 15.08.17
    - Sleeping Beauty
    Time went happily by and Rose's sixteenth birthday drew near. The castle began to buzz with excitement.

    행복하게 시간이 지나가고, 로즈의 16번째 생일이 다가왔어요. 성에서는 야단법석을 떨고 웅성거리기 시작했어요.
  • 15.08.18
    - Sleeping Beauty
    The king and queen were planning a huge ball. Rose was so excited, she could hardly keep still.

    왕과 왕비는 거대한 계획을 세웠어요. 로즈는 엄청 신나했고, 조용히 지낼수 가 없었어요.
  • 15.08.19
    - Sleeping Beauty
    The night of the ball finally arrived. Handsome princes and pretty princesses flooded into the Great Hall.
    밤에 무도회에 드디어 도착했어요. 잘생긴 왕자와 예븐 공주들이 그레이트 홀로 몰려들었어요.
  • 15.08.20
    - Sleeping Beauty
    The king and queen smiled proudly as they watched Rose from their thrones.
    그들은(왕과 왕비)왕좌에서 로즈를 보았어요(?) 왕과 왕비는 자랑스럽게 미소를 지었어요.
  • 15.08.21
    - Sleeping Beauty
    She swirled and twirled in a dazzling ball gown and every prince fell in love with her.
    그녀는 눈부신 가운을 입고 빙글빙글 돌고 있었어요. 모든 왕자들은 그녀를보고 사랑에 빠졌어요.
  • 15.08.24
    - Sleeping Beauty
  • 15.08.25
    - Sleeping Beauty
  • 15.08.26
    - Sleeping Beauty
  • 15.08.31
    - sleeping Beauty
    When the feasting was nearly over, Rose pleaded for a game.
    언제 feasting거의 끝날갈쯤 로즈는 게임을 하자고 했어요.