일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||
The Canary Caper
The Canary Caper
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
The Canary Caper
The Canary Caper
The Canary Caper
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
The Canary Caper
The Canary Caper
The Canary Caper
20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
The Canary Caper
The Canary Caper
The Canary Caper
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | ||
- 15.12.02
- The Canary Caper
- p.23
"Nobody brought Tiger in," she said.
"아무도 Tiger를 데려오진 않았어," 그녀가 말했어요.
"But I'll keep my eyes peeled."
"하지만 난 내 눈을 떌거야(?)."
"Mrs. Davis's canary is gone, too," Dink told Mrs. Wong.
"Mrs. Davis씨의 카나리아(새) 도 같이 사라졌는걸요," Dink 가 Mrs. Wong 씨에게 말했어요.
"And Dr. Pardue's rabbit and Mrs. Gwynn's parrot!" Josh said.
"그리고 Dr. Pardue씨의 토끼랑 Mrs. Gwynn씨의 앵무새도요!" Josh가 말했어요.
"Four animals are missing? That is very strang!" Mrs. Wong glanced around her shop.
"네마리의 동물이 다 사라졌다고? 그거 정말 이상한 일이구나!" Mrs. Wong씨가 그네의 가게 를 힐끗 둘러보았어요.
"I guess I should count my own critters!"
"내 생각엔 내 가게의 동물 수를 세에보아야 겠구나!"
"May I use your phone, Mrs. Wong?" Ruth Rose asked.
"Mrs. Wong씨, 제가 당신의 휴대폰좀 써도 될까요? Ruth Rose 가 물었어요.
"I want to call my mom and see if Tiger's hom yet."
"엄마한테 전화해서 Tiger가 아직 집에 안왔는지 확인해봐야 겠어요."
"Help yourself," Mrs. Wong said.
"그러려무나," Mrs. Wong씨가 말했어요.
Ruth Rose dialed, spoke quietly to her mother, then hung up.
Ruth Rose가 전화를 걸고, 조용히 엄마와 전화하고선, 전화를 끈었어요.
"Tiger's still gone," she said.
"Tiger는 아직도 집에 안왔대," 그녀가 말했어요.
"Who'd want to steal a canary, a cat, a parrot, and a rabbit?"
"누가 카나리아, 고양이, 앵무새, 토끼를 훔쳤을까?
"I don't know," Dink said
"모르겠어," Dink 가 말했어요.
"But we're going to find out!"
"하지만 우린 이제 찾으러 나갈거야!"
- 15.12.04
- The Canary Caper
- p.25
The kids left the pet shop and headed up Main Street.
아이들은 가게에서 나가서 중심거리쪽으로 걸어갔어요.
They walked slowly, thinking about what to do.
그들은 천천히 걸으며, 이제 뭘 해야하는지 생각했어요.
"I've read avout scientists stealing animals to use in experiments," Josh said.
"내가 과학책에서 동물을 훔치는 실험한거를 읽은적이 있어," Josh가 말했어요.
"That's awful!" Dink said.
"그것 참 끔찍하네!" Dink 가 말했어요.
"I don't want Tiger used in some experiment." said Ruth Rose.
"Tiger가 제발 실험용으로 쓰이지만 않았으면 좋겠어." Ruth Rose가 말했어요.
- 15.12.07
- The Canary Caper
- p.26
"We have to find those animals. Where do the Gwynns and the Pardues live?" Dink said.
"우린 그 동물들을 꼭 찾아야되. Gwynns 와 Pardues 는 지금 어디에 살아?"
"The Gwynns live over by us, on Thistle Court," Dink said.
"Gwynns는 우리들때문에 법원에서 있어," Dink 가 말했어요.
"Why don't we go talk to them?" Ruth Rose said.
"우리가 왜 그들한테 말하러 안갔었지?" Ruth Rose 가 말했어요.
"Maybe the pet-napper left some clues."
"아마 동물 잠자는 사람(?) 은 뭔가 실마리를 남겼을거야."
The kids cut through the high scholl grounds and passed the circus trailers.
아이들은 고등학교 땅을 세게 밟으며(?) 서커스를 이끄는사람을 지나처 갔어요.
(와.. 이거 해석하느라 책상 수백번을 칠번했어요... 뭔 영어가 이따구야, 열심히 해석했는데 말도 안되고...오늘따라 왜이렇게 암걸리지?)
- 15.12.09
- The Canary Caper
- p.26
A few of the workers were sitting at a picnic table drinking coffee.
근로자들 몇명이 식탁에 앉아서 커피를 마시고 있었어요.
They waved when the kids walked by.
그들은 아이들이 옆을 지나가자, 손을 흔들어줬어요.
"Which house is the Gwynns'?" Ruth Rose asked when they reached Thistle Court.
"Gwynns의 집은 어느쪽이에요?" Ruth Rose는 그들에게 법원(?)이 어디에 있는지 물어봤어요.
"That big gray one," Josh said.
"저기 큰 회색빛이나는 곳이야," Josh가 말했어요.
The mailbox in front said GWYNN in black letters.
우체통 앞쪽에 GWYNN라고 써저있는 검은 글이 적혀있었어요.
Ruth Rose walked up the steps and rang the boorbell.
Ruth Rose 는 계단을 올라가서 벨을 눌렀어요.
Mrs.Gwynn opened the door.
Mrs.Gwynn씨가 문을 열어줬어요.
- 15.12.11
- The Canary Caper
- p.27
"Hi, kids! How's your summer so far?" She asked.
"안녕 애들아! 지금 여름까지 어떻게 보냈어?" 그녀가 물었어요.
"Not so great," Ruth Rose said.
"그렇게 좋진 않았어요," Ruth Rose가 말했어요.
"Someone stole my cat yesterday."
"누군가가 제 고양이를 어제 납치해갔어요."
"Oh, Ruth Rose, how awful! My parrot disappeared yesterday, too!"
"오, Ruth Rose, 이렇게 무서운일이! 내가키우는 동물도 어제 실종됬어!"
"So did Mrs. Davis's canary," Josh added.
"그리고 Mrs. Davis 씨 의 카나리아 도요," Josh가 덧붙여 말했어요.
"We just came from the police station," Dink put in.
"우리는 방금전에 경찰서에 갔다왔어요," 딩크가 덧붙였어요(?).
"Officer Fallon told us about your parrot. Dr. Pardue's rabbit is also missing."
"장교 Fallon씨가 앵무새에 대해서 알려주셨어요. Dr. Pardue 씨의 토끼도 사라졌다고 하셨어요."
Mrs. Gwynn's mouth fell open.
Mrs. Gwynn 씨는 입이 쩍 벌어졌어요.
"My goodness! Do you mean that four pets disappeared yesterday?"
"이럴수가! 너희가 어제 동물들이 사라진것때문에 갔었던 거였니?"
"We think so," Ruth Rose said.
"그런것같아요," Ruth Rose 가 말했어요.
"Where was your parrot when you last saw him?"
"앵무새를 가장 마지막으로 봤을때가 언제에요?"
"On my back porch, in his cage," Mrs. Gwynn said.
"내 현관쪽에있는 새장안에 같여있을때였어," Mrs. Gwynn 씨가 말했어요.
"Can we saa the cage?" Dink asked.
"새장을 저희가 한번 확인해봐도 될까요?" Dink 가 말했어요.
Mrs. Gwynn took them through the kitchen to a screened-in back porch.
Mrs. Gwynn 씨는 부엌을지나 가려져있는(?) 뒷문쪽으로 갔어요.
- 15.12.14
- The Canary Caper
- p.28
A cage stood in one corner.
세장은 저쪽 구석에 있었어요.
"Archie likes it out here," said Mrs.Gwynn.
"Archie 는 여기서 나가기를 좋아했어요(?)," Mrs.Gwynn씨가 말했어요.
"He can watch the other birds in the trees. Yesterday I came out to have my lunch, but he was gone."
"그는 다른새들이 나무에 앉아있는것을 계속 봤었어요. 어제 제가 점심먹을려고 잠깐 나왔는데, 그는 사라져 있었어요."
Dink checked the screen door that led to the backyard.
Dink는 뒷뜰에 있는 가려져있는문을 확인해 봤어요.
"Was this locked?" he asked.
"이거 잠겨있었나요?" 그가 물어봤어요.
"I don't really remember. We often leave it unlocked," Mrs. Gwynn said.
"정확히 기억나지를 않아. 우리는 종종 잠열쇠를 열고 어딘가로 가,(?)" Mrs. Gwynn said.
- 15.12.16
- The Canary Caper
- p.28
"Could Archie have opened his cage door himself?" Josh asked.
"Archie가 스스로 철창문을 열고 나갈 수 있나요?" Josh 가 물었어요.
Mrs. Gwynn shook her head.
Mrs. Gwynn 고개를 저었어요.
"We always keep a clothespin on his door to make sure he can't opened it."
"우리는 항상 빨레집게로 그녀가 나갈수 없게 확실히 해두었어."
"So someone must have stolen him," Ruth Rose said.
"그러니까 누군가가 훔치치 않고서는 나오는게 불가능했다는거지," Ruth Rose 가 말했어요.
"Oh, dear, I don't like to think of crime in Green Lawn," Mrs. Gwynn said with a sigh.
"오, 애들아, 난 이 푸른 잔디 위에서(?) 그런것에 대해서 생각도 하기 싫구나," Mrs. Gwynn 씨가 한탄하며 말했어요.
"Can I offer you kids some thing to drink? It's pretty warm."
"애들아 너희 뭐 마실거 줄까? 날씨가 참 좋구나."
- 15.12.18
- The Canary Caper
- p.29
"No thanks," Ruth Rose said.
"사양할게요," Ruth Rose 가 말했어요.
"But do you mind if we look in your phone book for Dr. Pardue's address?"
"하지만 저희가 당신이 Dr. Pardue씨에게 전화한 기록을 봐도 괜찮겠나요?"
"They're at number three Pheasant Lane," Mrs. Gwynn said.
"그들은 세번째 Pheasant Lane 에 있어요," Mrs. Gwynn 씨가 말했어요.(?)
"I drop Mike off there to play tennis with Andy Pardue."
"난 그곳에서 Andy Pardue 와 테니스를 치다가 마이크를 떨어뜨렸어(?)."
The kids thanked Mrs. Gwynn and hurried to Main Street.
아이들은 Mrs. Gwynn 씨에게 감사해하며 서둘러 Main Street로 나왔어요.
"This is getting weirder and weirder," Dink said.
"이건 진짜진짜 기묘한 일이야," Dink 가 말했어요.
- 15.12.21
- The Canary Caper
- p.29
"A canary and a parrot were snatched right out of their cages in broad daylight. With people home!"
"카타니라(새) 와 앵무새 는 사람이 있는 낮시간 집안인데도 누가 잡아간거야!(?전혀다른뜻?)
"And Tiger was probably in my back yard when she was taken," Ruth Rose said.
"그리고 호랑이는 아마도 내 집 뒷뜰에 있었을떄 납치당했을거야," Ruth Rose 가 말했어요.
Then waved to Mr. Paskey at the Book Nook and headed up Aviary Way.
그때 Mr. Paskey 씨가 손을 흔들고 새장을 들고 튼길로 나갔어요. (?)
Three Pheasant Lane was a big green house surrounded by tall trees.
꿩 세마리가(?) 좁을길을 지나치자 키큰 나무들이 큰 초록색 집을 둘러쌌어요.(?)
A kid holding a tennis racket was sitting on the front porch.
아이들은 테니스 라켓을 들고서는 현관쪽에 앉았어요.
- 15.12.23
- The Canary Caper
- p.30
"Hi," Routh Rose said, walking up to the porch.
"안녕," Ruth Rose 가 현관쪽으로 걸어가며 말했어요.
"Is Dr. Pardue home? We'd like to talk to him about his rabbit."
"Dr. Pardue씨 집 맞나요? 그의 토끼에대해서 이야기하러 왔는데요."
"I'm Andy Pardue," the kid said.
"전 Andy Pardue 에요," 한 아이가 말했어요.
"Violet's my rabbit. Why? Did you find her?"
"Violet은 제 토끼에요.왜요? 그녀를 찾았나요?"
"No, but my cat is missing, too," Roth Rose said.
"아직요, 하지만 제 고양이도 같이 사라졌어요." Ruth Rose 가 말했어요.
"And so are two other pets in town."
"그리고 또다른 종류의 애완동물들도요."
Dink glanced around the Pardues'front yard.
Dink는 Pardues 의 앞마당을 힐끗 처다보았어요.
- 15.12.25
- 성탄절
- 15.12.25
- The Canary Caper
- "When did your rabbit disappear?" he asked Andy.
"당신의 토끼는 언제부터 보이지 않았나요?" 그가 Andy에게 물어봤어요.
"After lunch yesterday," he said.
"어제 점심을 먹은 후 쯤이였어요," 그가 말했어요.
"My sister ran into the house screaming. I went out to the cage, and the door was wide open. Violet was gone."
"제 누나가 집으로 달려오면서 소리를 질렀어요. 저는 바깥에 철창쪽으로 갔는데, 철창문은 활짝 열려있었어요. Violet 은 사라져 있었고요."
"Can you show us the cage?" Ruth Rose asked.
"저희가 철창을 한번 봐도 될까요?" Ruth Rose 가 말했어요.
Andy led them to the backyard. An empty rabbit hutch stood under a tree.
Andy 는 그들을 뒤뜰로 데려갔어요. 그곳에는 빈 토끼철창이 있었어요.
"Was the cage locked?" Josh asked.
"철창을 잠궜었어요?" Josh 가 말했어요.
"Yep, I lock it every night myself."
"네, 전 항상 밤마다 확인했었어요."
- 15.12.28
- 영어일기(숙제)
- 2015/12/28 (Monday)
Today, I went 'Angseong Myeon office' because, I have to do service. (somthing like homework?)
I work with 'Hyun-Ah' and 'Se-Na'. We clean the restroom very hardly. after then we go out and pick up the garbage.
(It was so cold. 'clean restroom' is much better.)
When we finished that, we was surpised. because we finish oll of them, but It thim was around 11:30 ? (We start at 9:30)
We work only 2~3 hour. so I was afraid. But! they said "It's Okay"
'NICE !!' So I fill was good.
And~ we went to 맛동내 and take a 떡볶이 with 순대 and 튀김
(It was lovely taste♥) but we still hungry, so go to 'CU', go to Anywhere, "Now I'm full" I sad.
We keep walk and walk... we just walk but it was funny.
Anyway, I go to Children Center with Se-Na and Hyun-Ah go to academy...
It was really funny!!!
I like it!
- 15.12.29
- 영어일기(숙제)
- 2015/12/29 (Tuesday)
Today subject is 'English homework' (WOW !!!)
mm... well, I like this homework. because.. just... I don't know, juse I like it!
anyway, this homework is funny. something like, elated? Yes, elated.
I know, when I make the sentence, maybe you will understand very hardless.
But, well this is my ability. so please understand me. (You know, I'm not good at English;; that's why...)
OKAY! now, Let's keep talking. Hmm, this homework is good for English! Yes~!!
(Of course;;) When I make a sentence, my English ability is more growing, I think. (Just I think.) So I fill more better. maybe That's why I like this homework.
To. English teacher (suddenly ?! What the !?)
Hello teacher? I'm Yu-Hyun. I'm so sorry obout this homework. I'm bad at English, so maybe my homework is hard to read, would you understand me? I'm so sorry, would you?...
from. Yu-Hyun.
(Wow, my homework is terrible! Nobody can't do like me!!!)
- 15.12.30
- 영어일기(숙제)
- 2015/12/30 (Wednesday)
My mother said, "we have to do exercise!" (Do you know what's that mean? that mean is, my mother is.. 'gain weig..h...t' ^^ HA HA^^)
Anyway we start the exercise(Jogging) on Monday.
Lightly since the beginning of the fifth wheel.^^
by the way, What?? fifth wheel?? unbelievable! How can we start at fifth wheel?! I was surprised but, my brother wasn't surprised. (How..!?)
(Maybe my mother and brother have a something secret...!)
Anyway It was so herd to me. but my fill is not bad,
because, When I do this every day, then maybe my muscle or skin...
It well be more better.
(Just maybe,Just I think, Just I believe...)