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2014년 2015년 2016년
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sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
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sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
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sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
sleeping Beauty
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영어방학 숙제 (The show)
영어방학 숙제(Lemon Tree)
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  • 15.08.03
    - sleeping Beauty
    Many years ago, a king and queen lived in a magical castle.
    먼 옛날에 왕과 왕비가 마법의 성에서 살고 있었습니다.
    They had everything they could want except...
    그들은 그들의 할수있는것을 제외하고 모든것을 가지고 있었다.
  • 15.08.04
    - sleeping Beauty
    ...a baby. year after year, the queen stitched and sewed tiny clothes.
    ...아기다. 이년후에 왕비는 작은 옷을 만들었다.
    And the king made toys in his palace workshop.
    그리고 왕은 그의 궁전에 있는 직장에서 장난감을 만들었다.
    But still there was no baby.
    그러나 아기는 없었다.
  • 15.08.05
    - sleeping Beauty
    Then, one day, while the queen sat knitting by the lake, a bright green frog hopped...
    그리고 왕비는 잠시동안 바랬다.
    and jumped...
    그리고 점프했다.
    right onto her lap.
    곧바로 그녀의 무릎위에 앉았다.
  • 15.08.06
    - sleeping Beauty
    "Don't be sad, your Majesty," said the frog.
    슬퍼하지 마세요 전하 개구리가 말했습니다.
    "you are going to have a baby this year."
    당신은 올해 아기를 가지실거예요
    And, with that, he bowed and leaped back into the lake.
    그리고 그는 호수속으로 뛰어들었다.
  • 15.08.07
    - sleeping Beauty
    True to the frog's words, the queen gave brith_to a lovely baby girl.
    개구리 말대로 왕비는 사랑스러운 여자아기를 낳았다.
    "I shall call her Rose", she declred happily.
    그녀는 로즈라고 부를것이다.
  • 15.08.10
    - sleeping Beauty
    The king was so pleased he planned a feast to calebrate.
    왕은 너무 기뻐서 기념축제 계획을 세웠어요
    "I shall invite every prince and princeass in the land!"
    모든 왕자와 공주를 여기에(이땅에)초대 할거야
    he decided, and asked seven fairies to be Rose's fairy godmothers.
    왕은 로즈의 요정 대모인 일곱명의 요정들에게 말했어요
  • 15.08.11
    - sleeping Beauty
    The king sent the invitations by bluebird post-and everyone agreed to come.
    왕은 파랑새를 이용해서 초대장을 보내서 모두 다 승락했어요
    servants scrubbed and cleaned until the castle gleamed.
    하인들은 성을 번쩍번쩍 빛날때까지 세척하고 청소를 했어요
    There had never been a party like it.
    그들은 이와같은 파티를 한번도 해본적이 없었어요
  • 15.08.12
    - sleeping Beauty
    On the day of the feast, crowds came to cheer and watch the guessts arrive.
    축제날 손님들이 환호성을 지르고 지켜보며 도착했어요
  • 15.08.13
    - sleeping Beauty
    The men wore cloaks of the finest velvet and the women shimmered in silks.
    남자들은 질좋은 벨벳망토를 입고 여자들은 빛나는 비단옷을 입었어요
  • 15.08.14
    - sleeping Beauty
    Seven fairies flew in through a castle window, leaving a glittering trail behind them.
    일곱 요정들이 성 창문을 통해 날면서, 반짝이는 꼬리를 남기면서 들어왔어요

    "The godmothers!" cried the king, holding out his hands to greet them.
    대모님이다.왕이 외쳤고 왕의 손을 잡고 그들은 환영했어요
  • 15.08.15
    - 광복절
  • 15.08.17
    - 대체공휴일
  • 15.08.17
    - sleeping Beauty
    "Let the feast begin!" announced the queen and merry music filled the room.
    왕비가 파티를 시작합시다. 라고 공포를 했어요 그리고 객실에는 즐거운 음악이 가득 채워졌어요
    The tables were piled high with scrumptious food and everyone ate off golden plates.
    식탁위에는 아주 맛있는 음식들의 쌓여있었고, 모든 사람들은 황금접시에 담겨져 있는 음식을 먹었어요
  • 15.08.18
    - sleeping Beauty
    When no one could manage another bite, the fairies gatherered before the king and queen.
    사람들이 할수없을때에는 다른 물다를 관리할수 있는것처럼 요정들은 왕과 왕비 앞에 모였어요
    "we have some wishes for princess Rose," said snowdrop, the first fairy, with a curtsy.
    저희가 공주 로즈를 위해 소원을 빌을게요 첫번재 요정 Snowdrop이 절(인사)와 함께
  • 15.08.19
    - sleeping Beauty
    she fluttered her fairy fingers.
    요정은 손가락을 흔들었어요
    Rose will be the most beautiful girl in the kingdom...
    로즈는 왕국에서 최고로 아름다운 소녀가 될거예요
    Then Honeysuckle waved her wand.
    그러자 덩쿨이 그녀의 마법지팡이를 휘감았어요
    ...and she'll be clever enough to beat the king at chess!
    그리고 로즈는 영리하게 되어서 왕을 체스로 이길수 있게될수있어요
  • 15.08.20
    - sleeping Beauty
    The third fairy, willow, floated over.
    세번째 요정 willow가 넘어질것처럼 미끄러졌어요
    she will have grace in all she does.
    로즈는 무엇을 하던 우아하게 될것이다.
    And she'll dance to perfection, added Bluebell.
    그리고 로즈는 춤을 완벽하게 출것이다. Bluebell도 말했어요
  • 15.08.21
    - sleeping Beauty
    Blossom and Buttercup wished that Rose would...
    Blossom과 Buttercup도 로즈에게 소원을 빌었어요
    ...Play every instrument like an angel
    악기를 마치 천사처럼 연주
    ...sing like a nightingale.
    노래를 마치 나이팅게일처럼
    everyone wondered what Jasmine, the seventh and wisest fairy, would wish for.
    모든사람들이 바라던 일곱번째 가장 현명한 요정 Jasmine이였습니다.
  • 15.08.24
    - Romeo&Juliet
    "But I'm already married," wept Juliet. "What am I going to do?"
    나는 이미 결혼했어요 줄리엣이 눈물을 닦았습니다. 제가 무엇을 할까요?
    "Well, you can't tell your parents about Romeo," said her nurse.
    글쎄요 당신은 당신의 부모님께 로미오에 대해 말할수 없어요 그녀의 가정부가 말했습니다.
    The nurse bustled away and Juliet realized only one person could help her.
    그 가정부가 바삐 움직여서 줄리엣은 오직 한사람이 그녀를 도울수 있는것을 깨달았습니다.
    "I must go and see Friar Laurence," she thought.
    나는 패리어 로렌스에게 가서 봐야해요, 그녀는 생각했습니다.
  • 15.08.25
    - 영어방학 숙제 (The show)
    I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
    Life is a maze and love is a riddle
    I don't know where to go
    can't do it alone I've tried
    And I don't know why

    slow it down Make it stop
    or else my heart is going to pop
    'cause it's too much
    yeah it's a lot
    To be something I'm not I'm a fool
    out of love
    'cause I just can't get enough

    I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
    Life is a maze and love is a riddle
    I don't know where to go
    can't do it alone I've tried
    And I don't know why

    I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
    I'm so scared but I don't show it
    I can't figure it out
    it's bringing me down I know
    I've got to let it go
    And just enjoy the show

    The sun is hot in the sky
    Just like a giant spotlight
    The people follow the sign
    And synchronize in time
    it's a joke nobody knows
    They've got a ticket to that show

    I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
    Life is a maze and love is a riddle
    I don't know where to go
    I can't do it alone I've tried
    And I don't know why

    I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
    I'm so scared but I don't show it
    I can't figure it out
    it's bringing me down I know
    I've got to let it go
    And just enjoy the show

    Just enjoy the show

    Just enjoy the show
    I want my money back
    I want my money back
    I want my money back
    Just enjoy the show
    I want my money back
    I want my money back
    I want my money back
    just enjoy the show
  • 15.08.26
    - 영어방학 숙제(Lemon Tree)
    I'm sitting here in the boring room

    it's just another rainy sunday afternoon

    i'm wasting my time

    I got nothing to do

    I'm hanging around

    I'm waiting for you

    but nothing ever happens and I wonder

    I'm driving around in my car

    I'm driving too fast

    I'm driving too far

    I'd like to change my point of view

    I feel so lonely

    I'm waiting for you

    but nothing ever happens and I wonder

    I wonder how I wonder why

    yesterday you told me

    'bout the blue blue sky

    And all that I can see

    is just yellow lemon-tree

    I'm turning my head up and down

    I'm turning turnind turning turning

    turning around

    And all that I can see

    is just yellow lemon-tree

    sing, dah da da da da dee da da...

    I'm sitting here i miss the power

    I'd like to go out taking a shower

    but there's a heavy cloud inside my head

    I feel so tired put myself into bed

    where nothing ever happens and I wonder

    Isolation is not good for me


    l don't want to sit on the lemon-tree

    I'm steppin' around in the desert of joy

    Baby anyhow I'll get another toy

    And everything will happen

    and you'll wonder

    I wonder how I wonder why

    yesterday you told me

    'bout the blue blue sky

    And all that I can see

    is just yellow lemon-tree

    I'm turning my head up and down

    I'm turning turning turning turning

    turning around

    And all that I can see

    is just yellow lemon-tree

    yellow, wonder, wonder

    I wonder how I wonder why

    yesterday you told me

    'bout the blue blue sky

    And all that I can see,

    and all that I can see,

    and all that I can see,

    is just a yellow lemon-tree
  • 15.08.27
    - Romeo&Juliet
    That night, Romeo went again to the Capulets' garden and climbed up the ivy to Juliet's balcony.
    그날밤 로미오는 다시 카플렛의 정원에 가서 덩쿨을 타고 줄리엣의 발코니로 올라갔습니다.
    But before dawn, Romeo had to leave.
    그러나 새벽전에 로미오는 떠나야 합니다.
    "It's not time yet," Juliet pleaded.
    아직 시간이 안되었어요 줄리엣이 애원했습니다.
    Romeo sighed.
    로미오는 한숨을 내쉬었습니다.
    Giving his new wife one last kiss, he climbed dowm the balcony, sped from the garden and set off for Mantua.
    그의 아내에게 마지막 키스를 받고, 그는 빠르게 발코니에서 정원으로 내려가 마튜나로 출발했습니다.
  • 15.08.28
    - Romeo&Juliet
    All that morning, Juliet cried and cried.
    모든 그날 아침에 줄리엣은 울고 울었습니다.
    Her nurse tried to comfort her, but she couldn't stop.
    그녀의 가정부는 그녀를 위로하려고 했지만 그녀는 멈출수없었습니다.
    Suddenly, her mother and father swept in.
    갑자기 그녀의 엄마와 아빠가 부드럽게 왔습니다.
    "Poor Juliet," said her mother, going over to her.
    불쌍한 줄리엣 그녀의 엄마가 그녀의 건너편으로 가서 말했습니다.
    "You're still upset about Tybalt. But this will cheer you up. You're to marry Count Paris. The wedding's on Thursday!"
    너는 아직도 티볼트에 대해 흥분했어 그러나 이것은 너를 기운내게 해줄거야 너는 카운트 파리스와 결혼해 결혼식은 목요일이야
  • 15.08.31
    - Romeo&Juliet
    "Thursday?" Juliet gasped.
    목요일요? 줄리엣이 숨이 찼습니다.
    It was so soon.
    너무 가까웠습니다.
    "And I don't want to marry count Paris. Please don't make me."
    그리고 저는 카운트 파리스와 결혼하지 않을거에요 나를 만들지 마세요
    Her father scowled.
    그녀의 아버지는 얼굴을 찌푸렸습니다.
    "I won't marry him," Juliet shouted.
    나는 그와 결혼 안할거에요 줄리엣은 소리쳤습니다.
    "What do you mean, no?" said her father angrily.
    싫다는건 무엇을 표현하지? 그녀의 아버지가 화나게 말했습니다.
    "You'll marry count Paris on Thursday and that's that!"
    당신은 카운트 파리스와 목요일에 결혼 할거라고 그게 그거네요!
    And her parents left.
    그리고 그녀의 부모님은 떠났습니다.