앙성중학교 로고이미지


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2016년 2017년 2018년
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Not Just Second Place (6)
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  • 17.02.01
    - Not Just Second Place (6)
    "I'm going to break you into teams," he said.

    "The Blue Streaks will neet in that corner." He pointed to a far corner of the gym.

    "On the Blue Streaks, we'll have Maya, Grace, Caroline, Meg, Katie, Sam and Lauren."

    "All right!" Meg said, smiling at Lauren.

    Lauren joined ther teammates in the corner.

    They ran some preliminary drills.

    Lauren played as well as the other players.

    She missed a couple of baskets that she probably could have made.

    She listened to the coach correct her form.

    She also saw that Meg was having trouble with dribbling.

    Lauren knew it was important to keep your head up.

    Meg looked at her feet instead.

    On time, her feet got all tangled up and she stumbled.

    Lauren knew she could help Mag.

    She just didn't feel that bold-not yet.