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Why Tree Frog Sings at Night
Why Tree Frog Sings at Night
Why Tree Frog Sings at Night
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Why Tree Frog Sings at Night
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  • 16.12.02
    - What happe...
    What happens to most trees in the fall? 
    무엇 가을에 대부분의 나무는 어떻게됩니까? 

    The green leaves turn colors. 
    녹색 잎 색상을 설정합니다. 

    Then drop off the tree. 
    그런 다음 나무 떨어져 놓습니다. 

    What happens to pine trees? 
    어떤 나무 소나무는 어떻게됩니까? 

    Most of the green needles stay on the tree. 
    녹색 바늘의 대부분은 나무에 머물. 

    But some pine needles turn brown in the fall. 
    그러나 일부 소나무 잎은 가을에 갈색 켭니다. 

    They drop off the pine tree. 
    그들은 소나무를 놓습니다. 
  • 16.12.05
    - Why Tree Frog Sings at Night
    The little, golden tree frog likes to sing at night.

    Its bright, little song can be heard on warm, damp summer nights.

    It is as much a part of darkness as are the stars in the sky.

    Long ago, though, little Tree frog's chirrup-chirrup-chirrup was only heard during the day.

    It was not at all welcomed by the other animals that lived in the pond.

    "Who told Tree Frog that he could sing all day?"
  • 16.12.07
    - Why Tree Frog Sings at Night
    majestic Gray Heron would moan.

    "That racket ruffles my feathers.

    Tree Frog!

    Please stop that noise!"

    "Would someone tell Tree Frog to take a nap?"

    wailed Dragonfly.
  • 16.12.09
    - Why Tree Frog Sings at Night
    "That croak of his is enough to make me fly away and find a new home.

    Why should I budge from the pond?"

    Dragonfly flew to the far side of the water, his wings twitching.

    "there's no peace on the pond with Tree Frog making his terrible noise," said Duck

    "Even the other frogs go scampering away when they hear him.

    Whoever told Tree Frog that he could sing has made a great mistake."
  • 16.12.12
    - Why Tree Frog Sings at Night
    still Tree Frog thought that his voice was beautiful.

    "I sing more sweetly than the forest birds," he said.

    "My songs are fit for kings and queens."

    "I am the envy of everyone," bragged Tree Frog.

    "Why, if all the other pond animals had voices like mine, what a choir we would make together!"

    "Tree Frog's songs aren't fit for anyone to hear<" the pond animals said to one of us sill have to tell him the truth."
  • 16.12.25
    - 성탄절
  • 16.12.26
    - 대체공휴일