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Cezar's Pollution Solution
Cezar's Pollution Solution
Cezar's Pollution Solution
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Cezar's Pollution Solution
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  • 16.12.02
    - Ce
    Unfortunately, the hats kept falling off his head.
    불행히도, 그 모자는 그의 머리에서 떨어졌습니다.

    On the second day, Sara's team finished its project.
    둘째 날에, Sara네팀은 프로젝트를 끝냈어요.

    Sara explained their idea.
    Sara는 그들의 생각을 설명했어요.

    "As you know, milk cartons usually get thrown away.
    “여러분도 알듯이, 우유 곽은 쉽게 버려져요.

    But we figured out a 'comfortable' way to use them."
    하지만 우리는 그걸 사용할 편리한 방법을 알아냈어요.“
  • 16.12.05
    - Ce
    On the second day, Sara's team finished its project.
    둘째 날에, Sara네팀은 프로젝트를 끝냈어요.

    Sara explained their idea.
    Sara는 그들의 생각을 설명했어요.

    "As you know, milk cartons usually get thrown away.
    “여러분도 알듯이, 우유 곽은 쉽게 버려져요.

    But we figured out a 'comfortable' way to use them."
    하지만 우리는 그걸 사용할 편리한 방법을 알아냈어요.“
  • 16.12.09
    - Ce
    Cezar thought that sounded silly.
    Cezar은 어리석은 소리라고 생각했어요.


    Milk cartons?

    Sara took the cover off a small model that the team had built.
    Sara는 그들의 팀이 만든 모형의 커버를 벗겼어요.

    "We call it the Carton Couch," Paco said.
    “우리는 이걸 상자 의자라고 불러요,” Paco가 말했어요.
  • 16.12.12
    - Cezar's Pollution Solution
    Cezar started getting really nervous.
    Cezar은 정말 불안해지고 있었어요.

    He brought some of the trays home so he could work on an idea that night.
    그는 집에 몇몇 접시를 가져와서 밤에도 활동을 할 수 있었어요.

    But he couldn't think of anything.
    하지만 그는 아무것도 할 수 없었어요.

    When Cezar walked to school the next morning, the ground was covered with snow.
    다음날 아침 Cezar이 학교에 걸어갈 때, 땅은 눈으로 덮어져 있었어요.

    Snow usually made him happy.
    눈은 보통 그를 기분 좋게 했어요.

    This time, it only made him mad.
    이번에는, 그건 그를 화나게만 했습니다.

    "I'll never win that Rocket Racer!" he said to himself.
    "나는 Rocket Racer를 절대 받을 수 없을거야!" 그가 혼잣말을 했어요.

    He felt so bad that he took one of the cafeteria trays and flung it across the yard.
    그는 기분이 너무 나쁜 나머지 식당 접시 중 하나를 꺼내서 땅으로 내던졌어요.

    It slid all the way to the house next door.
    그건 길에 미끄러져 이웃집까지 갔어요.

    "Wow!" Cezar thought.
    "와!" Cezar은 생각했어요.

    "That tray really moves!"
    "접시가 정말 움직이잖아!"

    That's when he got the idea.
    그때 그는 아이디어를 떠올렸어요.
  • 16.12.14
    - Cezar's Pollution Solution
    Cezar ran all the way to school.
    Cezar은 학교로 곧장 달려갔어요.

    He got the rest of his trays.
    그는 그의 쟁반 몇 개를 가져갔어요.

    Then he asked the school janitor, Ms. Larson, to punch holes in the trays and to cut two long pieces of rope for him.
    그 다음 그는 학교 관리인 Larson씨에게 쟁반에 구멍을 뚫고 2개의 긴 줄을 잘라달라고 했어요.

    Cezar put everything together.
    Cezar은 모든 걸 다 넣었어요.

    He ran the rope Ms. Larson had given him through the holes in the trays.
    그는 Larson씨가 준 끈으로 쟁반의 구멍에 꽂았어요.

    Then he tied the rope ends together.
    그 다음 끈의 끝을 묶었습니다.
  • 16.12.16
    - Cezar's Pollution Solution
    He was just in time, too.

    "Well, Cezar," said Ms. Rosco.

    "You're the only only one who hasn't shared an idea for the contest.

    Anything to show us today?"

    Cezar laid out his solution in front of the class.

    It looked like a train made of trays.
  • 16.12.19
    - Cezar's Pollution Solution
    "It's called a TrayBoggan.

    But I really have to show you how it works outsides."

    "All right, class," said Ms. Rosco.

    "Everyone bundle up, and we'll let Cezar show us how his TrayBoggan works."
  • 16.12.25
    - 성탄절
  • 16.12.26
    - 대체공휴일