앙성중학교 로고이미지


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2015년 2016년 2017년
1 2 3 4 5 6
Baby Brother
Baby Brother
Baby Brother
영어과제 Adam Levine - Lost stars
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
영어과제 One Direction - One Thing
School Rules
School Rules
School Rules
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
School Rules
School Rules
School Rules
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School Rules
School Rules
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School Rules
School Rules
  • 16.08.01
    - Baby Brother
    Suddenly, they heard the front door open.
    갑자기, 그들은 문앞에서 듣고 열었다.

    "Mom and Dad and the baby are here!" cried Victor.
    엄마와 아빠와 아기가 여기있다! 빅토륵다 외쳤다.

    Elena, Victor, and Grandma hurried to the door.
    엘레나, 빅토르 그리고 할머니가 문으로 서둘러갔다.

    Mom walked in, followed by Dad.
    엄마가 들어오고 아빠가 따라들어왔다.

    Dad was carefully carrying the baby.
    아버지는 아기를 조심히 다뤘다.
  • 16.08.03
    - Baby Brother
    "Please, let me see the baby!" Victor said right away.
    제발 아기를 보여주세요! 빅토르가 바로 말했다.

    Mom pulles aside the blanket.
    엄마는 바구니를 옆에 두었다.

    The baby immediately began to cry.
    아기는 바로 울기 시작했다.

    "I told you" said Elena.
    나는 말해줄게 너에게 엘레나가 말했다.
  • 16.08.05
    - Baby Brother
    Elena looked at the baby.
    엘레나는 아기를 보았다.

    Suddenly, the baby stopped crying.
    갑자기 아기는 우는것을 멈추었다.

    He reached up with a tiny hand.
    그는 작은 손을 들어올렸다.

    Elena looked at her new baby brother.
    엘레나는 그녀의 새 남동생을 보았다.

    He smiled, and she smiled, too.
    그는 웃고 그녀 또한 웃었다.

    "Hello, baby," she said in a soft voice.
    안녕 아가 그녀가 부드러운 목소리로 말하였다.

    "He likes me. I told you having a baby brother would be great!"
    그는 나같아 나는 아기가 잘되라고 말할래
  • 16.08.06
    - 영어과제 Adam Levine - Lost stars
    Please don't see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies
    Please see me reaching out for someone I can't see
    take my hand let's see where we wake up tomorrow
    best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand
    I'll be damned Cupid's demanding back his arrow
    So let's get drunk on our tears and

    God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
    It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
    Searching for meaning
    But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

    Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy
    Woe is me if we're not careful turns into reality
    Don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow
    Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer
    Turn the page maybe we'll find a brand new ending
    Where we're dancing in our tears and

    God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
    It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
    Searching for meaning
    But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

    And I thought I saw you out there crying
    And I thought I heard you call my name
    And I thought I heard you out there crying
    Just the same

    God, give us the reason youth is wasted on the young
    It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run
    Searching for meaning
    But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

    And I thought I saw you out there crying
    And I thought I heard you call my name
    And I thought I heard you out there crying

    But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark? x2
  • 16.08.07
    - 영어과제 One Direction - One Thing
    I've tried playing it cool
    But when I'm looking at you
    I can't ever be brave
    Cause you make my heart race
    Shot me out of the sky
    You're my kryptonite
    You keep making me weak
    Yeah frozen and can't breathe
    Something's gotta give now
    Cause I'm dying
    just to make you see
    That I need you here with me now
    Cause you've got that one thing
    So get out get out
    get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    I don't I don't
    don't know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    You got that one thing
    Now I'm climbing the walls
    But you don't notice at all
    That I'm going out of my mind
    All day and all night
    Something's gotta give now
    Cause I'm dying
    just to know your name
    And I need you here with me now
    Cause you've got that one thing
    So get out get out
    get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    I don't I don't
    don't know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    So get out get out
    get out of my mind
    And come on come into my life
    I don't I don't
    don't know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    Yeah you've got that one thing
    You've got that one thing
    Get out get out
    get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    So get out get out
    get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    I don't I don't
    don't know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    So get out get out
    get out of my mind
    And come on come into my life
    I don't I don't
    don't know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    Yeah you've got that one thing
  • 16.08.08
    - School Rules
    One day, Tyler, Emma, and Alberto were very excited.
    어느날, 타일러, 엠마, 앏[르토는 아주 신났다.

    It was their turn to give a report to their class.
    그들의 반에 리포터를 제출하는 날이기 때문이다.

    They had worked very hard on the report.
    그들은 리포트를 아주 열심히했다.

    The report was called "How to Get Along at School."
    그 리포트는 어떻게 학교를 오나 라고 불린다.
  • 16.08.10
    - School Rules
    Emma went first.
    엠마는 첫번째로갔다.

    "We spend a lot of time at school," Emma said.
    우리는 학교에서 많은 시간을 보냅니다. 엠마가 말하였다.

    "We go to school on rainy days, sunny days, and stormy days.
    우리는 학교에 비가오는 날에도 화창한 날에도 폭풍치는 날에도 갑니다.

    It doesn't matter what the weather is like or how we feel.
    날씨가 좋던 말던 우리에게 상관이없습니다.

    We always try to treat each other nicely.
    우리는 서로에게 좋게 대하려고 노력합니다.
  • 16.08.12
    - School Rules
    Then it was Alberto's turn.
    이제 알베르토의 차례가 왔다.

    "Our school is like a small town," he said.
    우리는 학교는 하나의 작은 마을같습니다. 그가 말했다.

    "There are many kinds of people here.
    여기에는 많은 종류의 사람들이 있습니다.

    Everybody is very busy at school.
    모두가 학교에서 바쁩니다.

    There are ways to get along with everybody at school.
    학교에서 어떻게 있나 방법이있습니다.
  • 16.08.15
    - 광복절
  • 16.08.15
    - School Rules
    "We act differently with different people," Alberto continued.
    우리는 다른사람에게 다르게 대우합니다 알베르초가 계속했다.

    "I act differently with my good friend than I do with someone I do not know very well.
    나는 나와 친한친구와 잘 모르는 친구에게 다르게 대합니다.

    I act differently with my teacher than I do with the students in my class.
    나는 나의 선생님과 반 친구들에게 다르게 대합니다.
  • 16.08.17
    - School Rules
    Then it was Tyler's turn to speak.
    이제 타일러의 차례가와서 말하였다.

    "Getting along at school has a lot to do with two important ideas.
    학교에서 있으면서 많은 중요한 일이 있습니다.

    First idea: Everyone atschool has the right to learn," Tyler said.
    처음 생각: 모든이들이 학교에서 맞게 배워야합니다 타일러가 말했다.

    "Second idea: Treat other people the way you would like them to treat you."
    두번쨰 생각: 다른 사람이 널 대할때 처럼 다른사람에게 똑같이 대해줘라
  • 16.08.19
    - School Rules
    Then it was Emma's turn again.
    그리고 엠마의 차례가 다시왔다.

    "Did you know there are ways to listen well?
    듣고 다른 좋은 방법이있나요?

    Here are some ideas," she said.
    여기 다른 생각이 좀 있는데요 그녀가 말했다.
  • 16.08.22
    - School Rules
    Look at the person who is talking.
    말하고 있는 사람을 봐라

    Do not interrupt someone who is talking.
    누가 말할 때 멍 떄리지 말아라

    Write down questions you think of as you listen.
    듣고있을 때 질문을 적어라.

    You can ask them later.
    다음에 물어볼수있다.

    Raise your hand before you speak.
    네가 말하기 전에 손을 들어라
  • 16.08.24
    - School Rules
    Then it was time for lunch!
    이제 점심시간이 왔다

    Mrs. King stepped to the front of the room.
    킹여사는 방 앞으로 걸어갔다.

    "Thank you for that interesting and very helpful report,"
    흥미있고 아주 도움되는 리포트 감사합니다.

    she said to Tyler, Emma, and Alberto.
    그녀가 타일러 엠마 알베르토에게 말하였다.
  • 16.08.26
    - School Rules
    What happens at lunchtime in your school?
    학교 점심시간에 무슨일이 있습니까?

    At Post Road School, lunchtime is a time when students talk with one another
    학교 포스트 길에서 점심시간은 다른 사람과 말하고 그들의 점심을 즐기는 시간이다.

    and enjoy their lunches.

    Some students bring lunch from home.
    몇명의 학생들은 집에서 점심을 가져온다.

    Others get their lunch at school.
    다른 이들은 학교에서 먹는다.
  • 16.08.29
    - School Rules
    There was a long line for lunch that day.
    점심을 먹을 때는 긴 줄이있다.

    Emma and her friend Rachel were very hungry after their busy morning.
    엠마와 그녀의 친구 라첼은 그들의 바쁜 아침때문에 배가 매우 고팠다.

    It was hard to be patient and wait.
    환자처럼 기다리는것은 힘들었다.

    They finally sat down and had a delicious lunch together.
    그들은 마침내 맛있는 점심을 다같이 먹게되었다.
  • 16.08.31
    - School Rules
    Rachel and Emma had wrappers, plates, and cups to throw away after lunch.
    라첼과 엠마는 랩, 점시, 컵들은 점심 후에 버렸다

    Post RoadSchool has three different trash bins!
    포스트 길 학교는 3개의 다른 쓰레기 통이있다!

    Plastic goes into one bin.
    플라스틱은 첫번째 통으로 들어간다.

    Foil and cans go into a third bin.
    호일과 캔은 3번째 통으로 들어간다.

    Emma and Rachel sorted their trash, and they threw it in the bins.
    엠마와 라첼은 그들의 쓰레기를 분류해서 통안으로 버렸다.