일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | |||||
a cat trick
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
a cat trick
First Prize
First Prize
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
First prize
First prize
First prize
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
First prize
E-mails from the teacher
E-mails from the teacher
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
E-mails from the teacher
- 16.04.01
- a cat trick
- Lee had only tried for a minute or two before giving up
Lee는 단지 1,2분이나 포기를 하였다
Lily had said it couldn't be done .
Lilly는 할수없다거 말했다
But Meg was sure that prince could learn the trick
그러나 Meg는 prince에게 계략을 배우게 하기로 하였다
It would just take lots of time and practice
많은시간과 연습을 한다
Lots of time and practice, and treats!
많은 시간과 연습으로 대하였다
Meg grabbed a handful of cat treats
Meg는 고양이 한움쿰집어서 주었다
Then she sat on the floor
그때 그녀는 바닥위에서 일어났다
She held out one treat in her hand and let prince sniff it
그녀는 한움쿰 잡은 그녀의 손에 prince는 손을 올렸다
- 16.04.04
- a cat trick
- Over the next few days Meg and prince praticed untill the cat shook paws evert time.
몇일 지난날 Mgg와 Prince는 여전히 발올리기 매일 연습했다
When Meg and Prince showed the trick to the family, everyone was amazed.
Meg와Prince는 가족들에게 계략을 보여주었다 모두들 놀라워 하였다
"Lily and i thought it couldn`t be done", said Lee .
LILY와 내가 시도했는데 할수없었어 Lee는 말했다
"But you and Prince proved us wrong .
그러나 나는 Prince와 잘못된것을 증명했어
A cat can learn a trick if he has a good teacher!"
고양이는 계략을 배우면 할수있어
- 16.04.06
- First Prize
- Joe was so excited that he ran all the way to the school gate
Joe는 학교 입구길에서 신이났다
Guess What? he said to his mom
그게 뭐니 ? 그의 엄마는 그에게 말했다
At school we have to read this book and then write a book review
학교에서 우리는 이 책을 읽고 이책에대해서 글을 써요
The Best book review wins a special prize
그 최고의 책의 제일 잘된 리뷰에게 특별한 상을 준데요
That afternoon, Joe curled up in a cozy chair and read The Biggest Cake - a book about a famous chef called Mr.Mack
오후에 Joe는 곱슬거리는 안락한 의자에서 the biggest cake라는 유명한 쉐프라 불리는 Mack씨의 책을 읽었다
Joe learned that Mr. Mack had baked the biggest cake in the world to celebrate his mother`s sixtieth birethdat
Joe 는 Mack씨의 그의 엄마의 60세의 생일을 케이크를 굽는 것을 배웠다
Joe read untill he was finished with the book and then went to tell his mom about it
Joe는 계속해서 읽고 책이 끝나고선 엄마께 말해보았다
- 16.04.08
- First Prize
- Joe told Mom the entire story about Mr. Mack
Joe는 엄마에게 Mack씨의 전체의 이야기를 들려주었다
Mr. Mack baked a banana cake big enough to feed two hundred pepole Joe concluded
Mack은 큰 바나나 케잌을 200명에게 구워줬다고 한다
what an enchanting birthday surprise said mom
고독하고놀라운 생일이구나 엄마는 말했다
I wonder how Mr Mack mixed the bananas flour sugar butter and eggs said joe
나는 Mack씨의 바나나 ,밀가루 설탕 버터 그리고 달걀을 섞는다 Joe는 말했다
- 16.04.11
- First prize
- Joe thought that The Biggest cake was the best book he had ever read .
Joe는 그 큰케?掠?최고의 책을 이라고 생각햇다
If only i could meet Mr. Mack,thought Joe
만약에 단지 나는 mack씨를 만났다고 Joe는 생각했다
I would ask him all about the recipe for the big cake
나는 그에게 물어봤다 큰 케?揚?조리법을
Joe sat down to write his book review
조는 앉아서 그의 책의 방법대로 적었다
When he was finished he was very pleased with it
그?? 그는 함께하는것을 끝내버렸다
He typed it carefully on the computer and turned it in the next day
그는 그다음날에 컴퓨터를 조심스러워했??
- 16.04.13
- First prize
- Finally, the day came when the prizes would be given .
마침내, 그 날에는 그 상을 받게 되었다
Joe's teacher stood in front of the class .
Joe의 선생님은 교실앞에 서있었다
There are so many good reviews, she said , but the winner is...Anita
많은 질문들 그녀는 말했다 그러나그 승자는 anita였다
Joe's face went red with disappointment because he had thought surely he would win
Joe의 얼굴은실망하여서 빨개졌다 왜냐면 그큰 그가 우승할거라고 믿었기 때문이다
He had put so much effort into writing his review
그는 많튼 노력에 그이 질문을 받아적었다
- 16.04.15
- First prize
- The first prize is a big cake made by Mr.Mack said Joe's teacher
그 첫상은 Mack씨의 하나의 큰 케?揚?만들었다
Mr.Mack himself is here to award the prize
Instead of feeling sad about not winning the prize Joe was thrilled
Now he could ask Mr.Mack everything he wanted to know
Joe asked Mr.Mack's book
Joe even got Mr.Mack's autograph
Anita cut the cake, and everyone said it was the most delicious cake they had ever tasted
- 16.04.18
- First prize
- Are you sorry that you didn't win the prize? Mr.Mack asked Joe
너는 일등상을 못받아 실망스럽지 않니? Mack씨는 joe에게 믈았다
Eating cake with you, Mr.Mack is the best prize ever smiled Joe
케?揚?당신 mack 씨와 목는것이 저의 최고의 상이에요 joe는 웃었다
- 16.04.20
- E-mails from the teacher
- Ms. Silva rapped on Ms. Monroe' classroom door.
Silva씨는 monroe씨의 교실문을 톡 때렸다
We must talk about the latest-e-mail you sent me she said
우리는 단지 최근의 메일을 보냈어 그녀는 말ㄹ했다
Oh Have you found our missing mouse ?exclaimed Ms. Monroe
No i'my here to discuss your e-mail about carrots and sunflower seeds said Ms.silva
I never sent such an e-mail exclaimed Ms.monroe
Suddenly Lin pointed to the bookcase
Look it's our mouse! said Lin
Mouse squeaked and ran to the fish tank
He pointed at the lights and squeaked some more
Philip said ,He's trying to tell us something but I don't understand him
- 16.04.22
- E-mails from the teacher
- The next morning, Ms.Monroe was surprised to see the lights on in her classroom.
그 다음날 monroe쓰는 놀랐다 그 빛을 그 교실에서 보았다
Did i forget to turn the lights off when i left? She wondered.
나는 불끄는것을 잊어버렸는가?그녀는 놀라워 하였다
The following Monday, after everyone had gone home, Mouse came out from the bookcase and visited his friends.
월요일에는 모두들 집에 갔고 쥐는 책장에갔고 그의 친구에게 방문했다
"It's cold. I need more hay in my cage,"complained the rabbit.
춥다 나는 나의 우리가 필요해 토끼는 불평했다
I'll fnd a solution, said mouse and he ran to the computer
나는 해결책을 찾왔다 쥐와그는 컴퓨터로 달려갔다
- 16.04.25
- E-mails from the teacher
- On Wednesday morning, when Ms.Monroe opened the classroom door,the lights were on and the room was warm
Is something wrong with the heat?wondered Ms.monroe
After everyone had left school, mouse came out from the bookcase to visit the other pets
The rabbit pushed some lettuce to visit the other pets
The rabbit pushed some lettuce through his cage for Mouse to eat
Wouldn't some carrots be task? said the rabbit
Sunflower seeds would be nice too
I know just what to do said mouse and he ran to the computer