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2016년 2017년 2018년
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the moter goose dective agency
the moter goose dective agency
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the moter goose dective agency
the moter goose dective agency
the moter goose dective agency
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the moter goose dective agency
the mother goose dective agency
the mother goose dective agency
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the mother goose dective agency
the mother goose dective agency
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  • 17.02.01
    - the moter goose dective agency
    Mother Goose: I told you there was absolutely nothing to worry about.
    나는 걱정할 것이 전혀 없다고 말했다

    Johnny was just late because he was having a good time at the fair.
    조니는 공정한 시간을 보냈기때문에 늦었습니다

    Did he bring you the blue ribbons?
    그가 당신에게 파란 리본을 가져왔습니까?


    Good- bye ! sorry aout that
    잘 가 미안해

    May: Is your agency always this hectic?
    May: 귀하점은 항상 바쁜가 ?

    Mother Goose: Always! there`s the phone again.
    Mother Goose 항상 전화가 와

    Mother Goose Detective AGency.
    Mother Goose 형사

    May. Carl, look at there photos of mother Goose at a banquet with her clients.
    MAy, Carl, 고객과 함께 연회에서 Mother Goose 사진을 보세요

    Carl: Wow, that`s Humpt Dumpety and Little Bo Peep!
    Carl 와 Humpt Dumpety와 LIttle Bo Peep야

    Mother Goose: Everything will be fine, Jack Stout.
    모든것은 잘 될거야 Jack Stout

    I`ll meet you at London bridge.
    나는 런던 교량에서 너를 만날거야

    Wait, that bridge has gooten so shabby.
    잠까 그 다리는 너무 초라해

    It`s always falling down .
    그것은 항상 떨어지고있어
    I`ll meet you in the town square instead.
    대신 마을에서 너를 만날거야

    Good bye.
  • 17.02.03
    - the moter goose dective agency
    Carl: This is exciting! MAy and I have to stay alert, or we might miss something.
    흥미 진진하군 May와나는 경계해야하거나 뭔가를 놓칠수도 있어

    May: We tagged along when Mother Goose went to meet her client jack Stout.
    우리는 Mother Goose가 Client jack Stout를 만났을때 함께 태그했다

    Jack Stout: Please, Mother Goose, you`ve got to help me.
    제발 Mother Goose 나좀 도와줘요

    My kitty is missing.
    나의 키티가 없어요

    Mother Goose: Are you sure Kitty hasn`t just wandered away?
    키티가 방금 돌아다니지 않았다고 확실하니 ?
    Jack Stout: Kitty would never wander away!
    키티는 결코 걸어나가지 않아요

    Mother Goose: Describe her for me.
    나를 위해 그녀를 설명해줘

    Jack shout: she has gray fur with white stripes.
    그녀느 흰줄무늬가 있는 회색 모피가 있어요

    Her front right paw is bigger than her other paws.
    그녀의 앞 오른쪽 발은 다른 발보다 커요

    Mother Goose: Thanks, Jack.
    고마워 Jack

    I`ll investigate and call you.
    내가 조사하고전화할게
  • 17.02.06
    - the moter goose dective agency
    May: Now what do we do?
    이제 우리는 무엇을 해야합니까?

    Mother Goose: Well, there are various ways to go about this.
    음 으것ㅇ에 대해 여러가지 방법이 있어
    However, I think it`s tiome we visit a suspect who might
    have Kitty.
    하지만 나는 키티 용의자가 우리에게 있다고 생각해

    Carl: Mother Goose took us to a crooked litlle house.
    Mother Goose는 우리를 구부러진 집으로 데려갔어

    Mother Goose knocked on the crooked door.
    Mother Goose가 비뚤어진 문을 두드렸다

    A crooked man answered .
    비뚤어진 사람이 대답했다

    We could hear a cat meowing inside.
    우리는 고양이가 꼼짝없이 소리내는 것을 들을수있었다

    Crooked Man: Not you!
    너 아니야 !

    Mother Goose: That`s not very nice.
    별로 좋지 앟아

    Aren`t you going to invite us in?
    우리를 초대할것인가요 ?

    Crooked Man: NO! I know my rights.
    아니 나는 나의 권리를 알아

    Mother Goose: I see you have a new cat.
    나는 새기 고양이를 봤어

    Crooked Man: So?
    그래서 ?
  • 17.02.08
    - the moter goose dective agency
    Mother Goose: JAck Stout`s cat is missing.
    Jack Stout의 고양이가 없어요

    Crooked Man: I`ve got proof this is my cat.
    난 이것이 내고양이라는 증거를 가지고 있어

    MAy: With a filck of his crooked wrist he pulled out a receipt
    비뚤어진 손목으로 그는 영수증을 꺼냈다

    mother Goose: One cat, six xents.
    고양이 한마리 6센트

    Where did you get six cents?
    6센트는 어디서 났니 ?

    Crooked Man: I found it beside a crooked stile
    나는 비뚤어진 목도리 옆에서 그것을 발견했다

    CArl: What`s a stile?
    딱딱한건 무엇인가요?

    Crooked Man: It`s a step or set of steps for passing over a fence or wall.
    울타리 벽을 지나가는 단계 또 단계입니다
    Now, good- bye!
    자 안녕 !

    May: Do you believe him, Mother Goose?
    그를 믿을수 있어요 ? Mother Goose ?

    Mother Goose: Yes. He may be crooked, but he does not lie.
    응 그는 비뚤어질수도 있지만 거짓말을 하지는 않습니다
  • 17.02.10
    - the moter goose dective agency
    Mother Coose: Let`s talk to mother Hubbard.
    Mother Hubbard와 이야기하자

    May: Where do we find her?
    그녀를 어디서 찾을수 있나요?

    Mother Goose: She is usually looking in the cupboard to find a bone for her dog.
    그녀는 일반적으로 찬장을 보고 개를위해 뼈를 찾습니다

    Carl: So off we went to see Mother Hubbard.
    그래서 우리는 Mother Hubbarf를 보러갔다

    May: She was nice and very generous.
    그녀는 멋지고 관대했다

    Mother Hubbard: Won`t you come in for some tea and cookies?
    차와 쿠키를 사러 오는건 어떨까요 ?

    Mother Goose: Thank you, but we can`t we`re on a case
    고마워ㅇㅅ 하지만 우린 그럴수없어요

    Mother Hubbard: You don`t say!
    넌 말하지마

    Is this about the dish and the spoon?
    접시와 숟가락에 관한것입니까?

    They ran away last night
    그들은 지난밤에 도망쳤다

    Mother Goose: I hadn`t heard
    나는 들어보지 못했어요
  • 17.02.13
    - the moter goose dective agency
    Mother Hubbard: I just happened to be looking out the window.
    방금 창문을 들여다 보았어요

    The cow jumped over the moon, and tha silly dog next door just laughed and laughed .
    그 암소가 달을 뛰어 넘었고 옆지 바보같은 개가 웃고웃었다

    That`s when the dish ran away with the spoon.
    요리가 숟가락으로 도망쳤을때

    Mother Goose: I`m looking for jack Stout`s kitty.
    Jack Stout의 키티를 찾고있어요

    May: Suddenly, we heard yrlling.
    갑자기 우리는 들소를 들었다

    Jack Eeeeek!
    Jack Eeeeeek

    CArl: A boy tumbled down the hill.
    한 소녀니 언덕 아래로 쓰러졌다

    May: Floowed by a girl and a water pail.
    소녀와 물통에 의해 바닥에 엎드렸다

    Jill: Eeeek!

    Mother Hubbard : Jack and Jill!
    Jack 과 Jill!

    I am so embarrassed
    나는 매우 당황스럽다

    You are interrcupting my guests.
    너는 내 손님들을 방해하고있다

    I hav told you to be careful on that hill.
    나는 그 언덕을 조심하라고 말했다

    Jack& Jill: YEs ma`am
    Yes ma`am
  • 17.02.15
    - the mother goose dective agency
    Jack: Mother Goose, We overheard you saying Jack Stout1s cat was misiing.
    Mother Goose 우리는 Jack Stout의 고양이가잘못하고 있다는 말을 들었다

    Mother Goose: Do you know something?
    뭔가 알고있니 ?

    Jill: We saw Tommy Flynn walking with a cat.
    우리는 Tommy Flynn이 고양이와 함께 걷는 것을 보았다

    Jak: Tommy doesn`t have a cat.
    Tommy 고양이가 없어

    Carl: Suddenly, Mother Goose pointed to the ground.
    갑자기 ㅡMother Goose가 말했다

    Mother Goose: I think we`re on the scent of something.
    나는 우리가 뭔가의 향기에 있다고 생각한다
    Carl: What are you looking at?
    넌 뭘 보고있니?

    Mother Goose: A boy`s and a cat`s foot prints.
    한소년과 한 고양이의 발을 인쇄해라

    Notice the front right paw print .
    오른쪽 앞발을 확인하세요

    May: It`s bigger than the others!
    다른것보다 커요
  • 17.02.17
    - the mother goose dective agency
    Mother Hubbard: I`d better call Jack Stout on my cell phone.
    나는 휴대전화에서 Jack Stout를 부를게
    Jill: Mother Goose! Look, it`s Tommy Flynn!
    Mother Goose 봐 Tommy Flynn이야

    Carl: Tommy was out of breath and runnding.
    Tomy는 숨이 차서 달아났다

    May: he stopped when he saw us.
    그는 우리를 보았을때 멈추었다

    Tommy Flynn: Hi, everybody.
    안녕 모두들

    Mother Goose: Hello, Tommy.
    안녕 Tommy

    Have you seen Jack Stout`s cat did follow me?
    Jack Stout의 고양이가 따라온거 봤니 ?

    Mother Goose: What did this stray cat look like?
    이 길 잃은 고양이는 어떻게 생겼나요 ?

    Tommy Flynn: It was a big, orange tabby.
    그것은 크고 오렌지 얼룩무늬 고양이입니다

    Mother Goose: Tommy Flynn, you are not telling the truth.
    Tommy Flynn 넌 진실을 말하지 않고있어
  • 17.02.20
    - the mother goose dective agency
    Tommy Flynn: I`ll confess everything!
    나는 모든것을 자백할것이야

    Jack`s kitty wanted to walk with me today.
    Jack의 Kittty는 오늘 나와 함께 걷기를 워헸어

    I was thirsty.
    나는 목말라

    I went to the well for a drink of water.
    나는 물을 마실려고 우물에 갔다

    Kitty jumped into the well.
    Kitty는 벽을 점프한다

    I told her to come out, but she wouldn`t.
    나는 내려오라고 그녀에게 말했다 하지만 그녀는 그렇게하지 않았다

    Mother Hubbard: Oh, dear!
    Mother Hubbard 오 저런!

    Tommy Flynn: I was going home to get a rope to get her out of the well.
    Tommy Flynn: 나는 줄을 타고 집으로 가려고 했어

    Jack Stout: Mother Goose! Have you found Kitty?
    Jack Stout: Mother Goose! Kitty를 찾았나요 ?

    Mother Goose:I think so, jack.
    Mother Goose 나는 그렇게 생각해 Jack

    May:We all rushed off to the well.
    May 우리는 모두 우물로 도망쳤어

    Carl: We looked down into the well.
    Carl 우리는 우물을 낼려다 보았어

    May: There was no cat
    May: 고양이는 없었어
  • 17.02.22
    - the mother goose dective agency
    Jack Stout:Oh, Kitty! Where are you?
    Jack Stout: 오 Kitty! 어디있니?

    May: Then a calm litlle voice called out.
    작은 목소리의 메아리가 들린다

    Kitty: I`m right behind you.
    당신 뒤에 있어요

    Carl: It was Jack Stout`s cat.
    이것은 Jack Stout의 고양이야

    Jack Stout: Kitty-cat, Kitty-cat, where have you been?
    Kitty- cat Kitty-cat, 어디있었니?

    Ktty:I`ve been to London to look at the queen.
    나는 여왕을 보러 런던에 다녀왔어

    May: Kity jumped into jack`s arms .
    Kitty는 Jack의 팔에 점프했어

    Jack Stout: Kitty, please don`t ever do that again!
    Kitty,제발 다음부터는 그러지마 !

    Kitty: Purrrrr!