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2016년 2017년 2018년
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Think Before You Speak
Think Before You Speak
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Think Before You Speak
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  • 17.02.01
    - Think Before You Speak
    Robbie slunk down and put his Social Studies book in front of his face.
    Robbie는 털썩 주저앉아 그의 사회 책들을 그의 얼굴 앞에 두었다.

    "Correct, the Missouri River is also important," said Mr. Morris.
    "맞아요, 미주리 강 또한 중요해요," Morris씨가 말했다.

    "Now, let's move west.
    "이제, 서쪽으로 이동해요.

    What is an important river in the western United States? Anyone?" he asked.
    미국의 서쪽에서 중요한 강은 무엇일까요? 누구 있나요?" 그가 물었다.

    As Mr. Morris went on with the lesson, Robbie tried to catch his friends' eyes.
    Morris씨가 수업을 계속 할 때, Robbie는 그의 친구들의 눈을 맞추려고 노력했다.

    No one would look at him.
    아무도 그를 보지 않았다.

    Robbie groaned to himself.
    Robbie는 혼자 중얼거렸다.

    "At it again, I see." murmured Kyle.

    "I've got to stop opening my big mouth," Robbie whispered back.

    "My mother is always telling me to think before I speak, but before I can stop myself, stuff just kind of comes out.
  • 17.02.03
    - Think Before You Speak
    I'm going to try not to do that, I really am," he muttered.

    When the bell finally rang, Robbie waited for Kyle so they could walk to their karate lesson together.

    Their karate school was a genuine dojo, the most well known in the area.

    Their sensei was one of the few teachers who had actually studied karate in Japan.

    "Sensei says there's going to be a big martial arts fair at the local community center next month," said Kyle excitedly.

    "They're going to have all sorts of self-defense demonstrations.

    Some of us might get to do them.

    Isn't that cool?

    I hope Sensei picks us."

    "I doubt it!
  • 17.02.06
    - Think Before You Speak
    He'll probably let Jamal and Aidan go to it because they're better," Robbie answered.

    "We're not ready at least you're not."

    "Thanks a lot.

    I've been practicing," Kyle insisted.

    "I just get my hands and feet mixed up sometimes.

    It sure isn't as easy as it looks in the movies.

    We'll have a lot of time between now and then to practice.

    Who knows, maybe Sensei will like what he sees."

    "Let's hope so," said a smiling Robbie.

    After each boy had put on his gi, they walked into the dojo, a long, sparse room with white walls and a highly polished wooden floor.