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A cat Trick
Always learning
Always learning
  • 16.03.01
    - 삼일절
  • 16.03.28
    - A cat Trick
    Meg didn't have a dog, though.
    Meg는 개가 생각나지 않았다

    She had a beautiful cat name Prince.
    그녀의 아름다운 고양이 이름은 프린스다

    Could Prince learn a trick?
    프린스는 기술하나를 배울수있을까?

    Meg thought about the tricks on Tv.
    Meg기술을 생각하면서 티비를켰다.

    She didn't think Prince would fetch a toy or swim in a pool.
    그녀는생각하지못했다 프린스가 장남감을가지고오거나 수영장에서 수영하는것을
  • 16.03.29
    - Always learning
    Babies learn from their families.
    아기들은 가족에게서 배운다.

    Lisa's mother reads books to her.
    리사의 어머니는 그녀에게 책을 읽어주었다

    Lisa looks at the pictures and listens to the stories.
    리사는 그림을 보면서 이야기를 들었다.

    That helps her learn new words.
    그녀는 새로운단어를 알아가는데 도움이된다

    Lisa tries to walk like her brother.
    리사는 오빠처럼 걸을려고 한다.

    She is happy to learn new things.
    그녀는 새로운것을 배운데 행복해보인다.
  • 16.03.30
    - Always learning
    Older children learn in many different ways.

    Children can learn by playing.

    They learn how to do puzzles and how to play games.

    They learn to run and climb.

    Hector has learned to use his arms and legs to climb up high.