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bees at work
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bees at work
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  • 16.04.01
    - bees at work
    Did you know that bees live together in a home called a hive? A hive of bees is like a family. Every bee has a special job to do. There are queen bees, worker bees, and drones,the male bees.
    벌들이 모여사는곳을 벌집이라하는갓을 아십니까? 벌집의 벌들은 가족같은 것 입니다
    모든 벌들은 특졀항 일을 힌다 여왕벌 일벌 드론과 수벌이 있다
  • 16.04.11
    - bees at work
    Rhe queen is the biggest bee in the hive she has the most important job, too. She lays eggs. A queen can lay 2000 eggs in one day!new workers, drones, and queens will come from the eggs.

    그 여왕벌은 다른벌보다 크고 벌집안에있다 그녀는 매우중요한 일을한다
    그녀는 알을 낳는다 한 여왕벌이 하루에 날수있는 알의 개수는 2000개이다
    새로운 일꾼 정찰병들은 모두 여왕벌으로부터 나온다