앙성중학교 로고이미지


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2015년 2016년 2017년
1 2 3
A Pet that Fits
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Animals in Danger!
25 26 27 28 29 30  
  • 16.09.02
    - A Pet that Fits
    Ella spent her vacation on the farm where her cousin Gracelived엘라는 그녀의 사촌 그레이드씨의 농장에서 휴가를 보냈다.

    Grace had a pony called Toffee
    그레이드는 조랑말을위해 토피에게 전화를 했다

    He was called toffee because his hair was the color of Toffee candy.
    토피의사탕때문에 그의 머리카락색은변했고 그를토피사탕으로 불렸다.

    His ears twitched happly when he ate apples from Ella's hand
    때 그는 엘라의 손에서 사과를 먹었고 그는 행복했고 그의귀를 씰룩씰룰거렸다

    Grace and Ella brushed Toffee's coat together.
    그레이드와 엘라는함께 토피의 코트를 빗었다

    They fed him special food, like oats and beets
    그들은 귀리와 사탕같은 그에게 특별한 음식을먹여 주었다

    "Can I have a pony?"Ella asked her parents bank in the city
    "나에게 조랑말을 주시겠어요?"엘라가 도시에서 자신의 부모님을 은행에요청했다.

    We can't keep a pony in ourapartment," Dad said
    우리는 아파트에서 살기 때문에 조랑말을 키울수 없단다 아빠가 말했다

    "A pony needs lots of space."
    조랑말은 많은 공간이 필요하다

    "Your father is right,"said Mom
    "너의 아버지는,"엄마가 말했다
    Ella missed Toffee, and she was sad that she couldn't have a pony
    엘라, 그리고 그녀는 조랑말을 키울수 없을 정도로 슬펐고 토피를놓쳤다.

    "How would I get to work on time?" Mom asked.
    " 어떻게 내가 시간에맞춰 일을 시작할 것인가?"어머니에게 부탁을했다
  • 16.09.14~16.09.16
    - 추석연휴
  • 16.09.15
    - 추석
  • 16.09.19
    - Animals in Danger!
    What animals do you see every

    day? Doyou see squirrels? Doyou

    see birds? How would you feel if these

    animals were gone forever? Wold you

    miss them?

    Many animals are in danger. They

    could die out or never live on Earth

    again. These animals would be extinct.

    There is still time for others,though.

    And here's some more good news. You

    can help save animals that are at risk.

    Why are animals in Danger of

    extinction? Unfortunately, there are lots

    of reasons. And sadly,most of these

    reasons have to do with people.

    Some animals are hunted. When too

    many are killed,they become extinct.

    Other animals lose their homes

    because people are spreading out.

    Prole often build houses where animals

    live.Then the animals may have no

    place to go.

    Dirty air and water are problems,too.

    Without clean air to breath and water to

    drink,animals can die

    it's a fact that people a lot of

    problems for animals. But people can

    help animals,too.

    Kids like you are doing a lot to save

    animals. One project is called Teaching

    Kids to CARE. The group has contacted

    schools to teach kids about animals that

    are at risk and what they can do to help.

    Then the kids work to protect animals.

    At one school in New Jersey,kids

    help to save sea turtles. The turtles

    cross a road to lay their eggs in sand.

    But then birds and other animals often

    eat the eggs.

    So the students collect the turtles'

    eggs and protect them until they hatch.

    Then they take them to sea.

    There are lots of other ways to

    help save animals. Some groups ask

    people to adopt an animal. People

    give what they can afford to help take

    care of the animal.

    You can do this. You and an adult

    can stand outside a store and ask

    customers to give money to save a

    whale or another creature.

    You might earn enough to adopt a

    whale. Don't worry-the whale won't

    live with you. It will stay out in the

    ocean, and the money will be used to

    protect it.

    Can you figure out a way to help

    animals? Here are some ideas:

    >Don't litter.

    >Help clean up your block

    if you live in a city.

    >Pick up trash.

    >Respect the land and animals.

    >Raise money for groups that help
