일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
Take a Trip to China
Take a Trip to China
Take a Trip to China
Take a Trip to China
Take a Trip to China
Take a Trip to China
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Take a Trip to China
Take a Trip to China
Take a Trip to China
All about Chile
All about Chile
All about Chile
All about Chile
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
All about Chile
Book Week News
Book Week News
All about Chile
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |||
- 16.08.01
- Take a Trip to China
- Where in the Wrld Is China?
China is one of the biggest countries in the world
중국은 세계에서 가장 큰 나라 입니다
It has hills and valleys the east
동쪽은 언독과 마을이 있습니다
Dry desert are found in the north
북쪽에는 건조한 사막을 찾을수 있습니다
Tall mountains stand in the west
서쪽에는 큰 산이 서있습니다
- 16.08.02
- Take a Trip to China
- You may be startled to learn how many people live in China
만약에 당신이 중국에 얼마나 많은 사람이 사람이 살고있는지 공부라게 된다면 깜짝놀랄것이다
Almost 1.5 billion peaple live there.
1.5십억 만명이 그곳에 살고 있다
That's more than four times the number of people who live in the United States!
그것의 네배거 되는 수의 사람들이 미국에 살고 있다!
- 16.08.03
- Take a Trip to China
- Life in the Country
Most people live in the country
모든 사람들은 문화속에 산다
They make their homes in small towns or villages
그들은 작은 도시나 마을에 그들의 집을 짓습니다
There they catch fish or grow crops far a living
그들은 사는데 필요한 그들의 물고기를 잡거나 작물을 키웁니다
Fishermen sail along China's Yangtze river
어부는 중국의 양쯔강에 돛을 내립니다
They toss large nets into the water and hope to catch many fish
그들은 큰 그물을 물속으로 던집니다 그리고 많은 물고기를 잡을수 있다
- 16.08.04
- Take a Trip to China
- Farmers grow rice,cotten,pears, and sweet potatoes.
농부는 쌀,목화,배 그리고 고구마를 재배한다
They also raise chickens,pigs,cows, and sheep
그들은 또한 닭들,돼지들,소들, 그리고 양도 키운다
The animals are contained in pens so they don't wander away!
동물들은 펜스안에 들어가 있다 그들은 긿을 잃지 못한다!
- 16.08.05
- Take a Trip to China
- Life in the Citis
Other people live in citis.
다른 사람들은 도시에서 산다
Shanghai is the biggest city in China
상하이는 중국에서 가장큰 도시이다
It is odd to think that it used to be a village, because today millions of people live there
이곳은 마을과 다르게 생각해야 한다, 왜냐하면 오늘날 백만명의 사람들이 그곳에 살고있기 때문이다
- 16.08.06
- Take a Trip to China
- In cities, some people work in factories.
도시에서는 많지않은 사람들이 공장에서 일한다
They make toys, shoes, radios, and more.
그들은 장난감, 신발, 라디오 그리고 그외에 많은것 들을 만든다.
Many of the things they make are sent all over the world.
그들이 만든 많은 물건들을 전세계로 보낸다
Maybe some of your things were made in China
아마도 당신의 물건중에는 중국에서 만들어진 물건이 있을것이다
- 16.08.07
- Take a Trip to China
- Visiting China
Many people travel to China each year
해마다 많은 사람들은 중국 여행을 한다
They are grateful for the chance to visit China's special places
그들은 중국의 특별한 장소를 보기위해 온다
Many people visit Great Wall because it was buit thousands of years ago
많은 사람들은 만리장성을 방문한다 이것은 만들어진지 천년이 되었다
- 16.08.08
- Take a Trip to China
- Visitors often travel to Beijing, wich is the capital of China
방문객들은 베이징을 자주 여행한다, 이것은 중국의 수도이다
It is famous for its dancers and acrobats
이곳은 댄서들과 곡예사가 유명하다
They are fun to watch because they lean and bend
그들은 즐겁게 볼수 있다 왜냐하면 그들은 몸을 젖히고 다리를 구부리기 때문이다
- 16.08.09
- Take a Trip to China
- China
Here is map of China
이지도는 중국 지도 입니다
Can ypu find all the places named in this book?
당신은 모든 장소의 이름을 이 책에서 찾을수 있습니까?
Serch for them on thr map
지도위에 그곳을 맞춰보세요
- 16.08.10
- All about Chile
- Chile is a country in South America
칠레는 남미에 있는 나라이다
In Chile there are mountains, deserts, and forests.
칠레에는 산들, 사막들, 그리고 숲들이 있다
There are lakes, rivers, and beachs.
그곳에는 호수,강,그리고 해변이 있다
There are even volcanoes!
그곳에는 화산도 있다!
- 16.08.11
- All about Chile
- Pretend you are going to Chile for a trip.
당신은 칠레로 여행을 간것처럼 해보세요
I wonder what you will visit first.
나는 놀라워요 당신이 처음에 어디를 갈지 궁금 하거든요
You could go to the Atacama Desert.
당신은 아타카마 사막에 갈것입니다
The ground is covered with sand, and it almost rains there
땅은 모래로 덮혀있고 그곳에 대체로 비가 내리지 안ㅎ습니다
- 16.08.12
- All about Chile
- Then you could go to the mountains.
그리고 당신은 산에 갈수 있습니다
Chile has grand mountains called the Andes.
칠레에는 안데스 산맥이 있습니다
The Andes stretch a long way down one side of the Chile.
안데스는 칠레 옆으로 쭉 뻗어 있습니다
- 16.08.13
- All about Chile
- On the other side of Chile lies the Pacific Ocean.
칠레의 다른 한쪽면은 태평양이 있다
So Chile sits between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean.
칠레는 안데스와 태평양 사이에 있다
- 16.08.14
- All about Chile
- Chile has many rain forests.
칠레는 매우 많은 숲이 있습니다
The forests are filled with fluttering birds.
숲들은 새들이 날아다닙니다
The world's smallest deer, the pudu, live in the forests of Chile.
세계에서 가장 작은 동물 푸두는 칠레의 숲에 삽ㄴㅣ다
- 16.08.15
- 광복절
- 16.08.15
- All about Chile
- In Chile, many people live on farms.
칠레의 많은 사람들은 농장을 가지고 있다
They grow such as apples and peaches.
그들은 사과와 복숭아를 재배하고 있다
Other people live and work in big cities such as Santiago.
다른 사람들은 큰 도시인 산티아고 에서 일하고 생활한다
Santiago is Chile's largest city.
산티아고는 칠레의 커다란 도시이다
It is the capital of the country.
그곳은 문화의 중심ㅈㅣ이다
- 16.08.18
- Book Week News
- Wolf: I'll be leading parde.
나는 퍼레이드를 이끌거야
I hope that everyone dress up as his or her favorite book character and follow me around the school
나는 그들 혹은 그녀들 모두가 가장 좋아하는 책 캐릭터 옷을 입고 나를 따라서 학교를 돌면 행복할거야
anchor1: I hope that will be safe for the students to follow you,Wolf!
앵커1: 나는 학생들이 모두 당신을 따라 갈 것 이라고 믿습니다, 늑대!
- 16.08.19
- Book Week News
- Anchor2:The parade certainly sounds enternaining!
퍼레이드는 틀림없이 즐거울 것입니다!
We all wish Lakeside school a successful Book Week
우리모두는 강변학교의 도서주간이 성공하길 바랍니다
Anchor1:This is Book Week News from Lakeside school
이 도서주간 뉴스는 강변학교에서 전해 드립니다
Mr.Jackson:Great work, team
- 16.08.20
- Problem
- [Iggy:]
Uh huh, its Iggy Iggz
I got one more problem with you girl
Hey Baby even though I hate ya
I wanna love ya
I want you you you
And even though I cant forgive ya
I really want to
I want you you you
Tell me, tell me baby
Why can't you leave me
Cause even though I shouldnt want it
I gotta have it
I want you you you
Head in the clouds
got no weight on my shoulders
I should be wiser
and realise that Ive got
[Big Sean:]
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem
I know your never gonna wake up
I gotta give up
But its you you you
I know I shouldnt ever call back
Or let you come back
But its you you you
Every time you touch me
And say you love me
I get a little bit breathless
I shouldnt want it
But its you you you
Head in the clouds
got no weight on my shoulders
I should be wiser
and realise that Ive got
[Big Sean:]
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem
Its Iggy Iggz, uh
What you got?
Smart money bettin
Ill be better off without you
In no time
Ill be forgettin all about you
You saying that you know
But I really really doubt you
Understand my life is easy
When I aint around you
Iggy Iggy
Too biggie to be here stressing
Im think I love the thought go you
More than I love your presence
And the best thing now
Is probably for you to exit
I let you go
Let you back
I finally learned my lesson
No half-stepping
Either you want it or you just keep playin
Im listening to you knowin
I cant believe what youre sayin
Theres a million yous baby boy
So dont be dumb
I got 99 problems
But you wont be one
Like what!
One less, one less problem
One less, one less problem
Head in the clouds
got no weight on my shoulders
I should be wiser
and realise that Ive got
[Big Sean:]
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem