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Book Week News
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Book Week News
Book Week News
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Book Week News
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  • 16.07.01
    - Book Week News
    Ancher1:We have Mrs. Coats,our librarian,in the studio right now.
    앵커1:우리는 스튜디오에 우리의 사서 선생님인 커츠부인을 모셨습니다
    Welcome to Book Week News,Mrs. Coats.
    Whats happening in the library this week?
    이번주에는 도서관에서 어떤 일이 있었나요?
    Mrs. Coats:We have over one hunred new book on display for Book Week
    코츠부인:우리는 백권이 넘는 새로운 책을 도서주간에 이곳에 들여놓았 습니다
  • 16.07.04
    - Book Week News
    Ancher2: I believe that you have another interesting activity in the library
    앵커2:나는 당신이 도서관에서 다른 여러 활동들을 하는것을 알고있습니다
    Mrs.Coats:Oh yes. Every day at lunch, we have a story teller coming to the library.
    코츠부인:오 맞아요. 매일 점심시간에 우리는 도서관에 책읽어주는 사람이 옵니다
    I think she will prove to be very entertaining for all
    저는 모두에게 즐거울거라고 생각 합니다
  • 16.07.06
    - Book Week News
    Anchor1:Thank you Mrs.Coats.
    앵커1:감사합니다 코츠부인
    I'm sure everyone will like the storyteller and the new books.
    저는 모두가 책읽어주는사람과새로운책을좋아하는것을알았습니다.
    Anchor2:Now we would like to interview Mr.Reed principal of lakeside school.
    앵커2:이제 우리는 인터부를 할것입니다 호반학교 교장 선생님인 리드씨 입니다
    Good morning,Mr.Reed
    I guess you're excited about this special week
    저는 특별한 이번주를 어떻게 즐기는지 물어보고 싶습니다
  • 16.07.08
    - Book Week News
    Anchor1:Mr.Reed, are we going to be able to through the classrooms to look at everything?
    앵커1:리드씨 우리가 교실에가서 모든것을 볼수 있나요?
    Mr.Reed:Yes, everyone is welcome to visit the classrooms
    리드:네,모두가 교실을 방문하는 것을 환영 합니다
  • 16.07.11
    - Book Week News
    Anchor2:Gosh!look who's here!
    앵커2:어이쿠!자 여기를 봐요!
    Sometims we do get surprise guests!
    때때로 우리는 놀라운 게스트를 섭외합니다!
    Anchor1:Are you two here for Book Week?
  • 16.07.13
    - Book Week News
    Red Riding Hood:Yes,and we are already in costume for the book character parade on Friday
    빨간모자:네,그리고 우리는 금요일에 책 캐릭터 분장을 합니다