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Chased by a Bat!
Chased bt a Bat!
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Chased by a Bat!
Chased by a Bat!
Chased by a Bat!
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Chased by a Bat!
Book Week News
Book Week News
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Book Week news
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  • 16.06.01
    - Chased by a Bat!
    The moth joins other moths as they fly around a light
    나방은 다른 나방들과 함께 빛쪽으로 간다
    Then the moth hears a squeak
    그리고 나방은 찍찍거리는 소리를 듣는다
    Look! It's a bat!The bat heads toward moth so the moth ducks into some grass to hide.
    봐! 박쥐야 ! 박쥐 머
    Just then, a snake sees the moth and slothers toward s it.
    Quickily, the moth flies away from the snake
  • 16.06.01
    - Hello~!
    The moth joins other moths as they fly around a light
    나방은 다른 나방들과 함께 빛쪽으로 간다
    => the를 '그'라고 해석하면 더 좋을 것 같네요. 그리고 as 는 이 문맥에서는 when과 같은 뜻으로 쓰였습니다.'
    '그 나방은 다른 나방들이 빛 주위를 날고 있을 때 그들에게 합류한다.'

    Then the moth hears a squeak
    그리고 나방은 찍찍거리는 소리를 듣는다
    => the moth - 그 나방

    나머지 부분도 잘 해석해보세요.
  • 16.06.03
    - Chased bt a Bat!
    The Clicking Sounds of the Bat

    Another moth flutters in the dark and a chases it
    또다른 나방은 어두운 곳에서 빠르게 추격한다
    The bat makes clicking sounds with its moth
    박쥐는 나방에게 소리?k 냅니다
    The sound bounces off the moth and echoes back to the bat
    그 소리는 나방에게 온후 다시 박쥐가 있는 방향으로 간다
    The echo helps the bat find the moth in the darkness
    그 울림은 어두운 곳에서 박쥐를 찾아내는 것을 도와준다
    The bat swoops at the moth but the quick moth just in time
    박쥐는 순간 빠르게 나방을 덮친다
  • 16.06.06
    - 현충일
  • 16.06.06
    - Chased by a Bat!
    The moth gets away because it also can hear the clicking sounds.
    그 나방은 도망간다 왜냐하면 소리를 들었기 때문이다
    The moth knows that the bat is chasing it.
    나방은 저것이 박쥐가 쫓아오는 소리 라는것을 안다
    When the bat flutters close to the moth, the moth darts away.

    When the bat close again, the moth swoops again.
    At last, the bat gives up and chases it after a diffrent moth.
  • 16.06.08
    - Chased by a Bat!
    Moths at Night

    Lots of moths out at night.
    많은 나방은 밤에 나온다
    The bat chase after the moths and the moths dodge the bats.
    박쥐는 나방을 뒤쫓고 나방은 재빨리 박쥐를 피한다
    Most bats are good at chasing and most moths are good at dodging!
    거의모든 나방은 잘 쫓아가고 거의 모든 나방은 잘 피한다!
    But the bats need to eat.
    하지만 박쥐는 먹을것이 필요하다
    They try to eat as many moths as they can
    그들은 먹어야한다 많은 나방을
  • 16.06.10
    - Chased by a Bat!
    Here is one trick that the moths can use to get away from bats
    여기에는 함정이 있다 나방은 박쥐로부터 도망갈수 있다
    When a bat makes clicking sounds,the moth can make the same sounds.
    박쥐가 소리를 만든다,나방도 같은 소리를 만들수 있다
    Then the bat does not know if the moth is a moth or another bat!
    박쥐는 알지 못한다 만약 나방이 아주 비슷한 소리를 내는것을!
    Because the bat confused,the moth can get away
    왜냐하면 박쥐가 혼란스러울때 나방은 도망칠수 있기 때문이다
  • 16.06.13
    - Chased by a Bat!
    Morning at Last!

    Soon it is morning,
    아침이 찾아옵니다,
    The bats fly away to their homes to sleep
    나방은 그들의 집으로 자기위해 날아 갑니다
    The moth go to sleep,too
    나방도 자러 갑니다
    But when the sun goes down that evening,the moths will get chased by the bat all over again
    하지만 저녁에 해가 지고난 후,나방은 박쥐로부터 쫒겨 다닐 것이다 항상
  • 16.06.15
    - Book Week News
    Mr.Jackson:Is everyone ready to present our news?Action!
    잭슨: 모두들 준비 우리들의 뉴스를 만들 준비 되셨나요?ㅅㅣ작!
  • 16.06.17
    - Book Week News
    Anchor1:Good morning,and welcome to Book Week News
    Ancher2:This news report is brought to you by the children of room eight,
    Lakeside school
    Ancher:Today we will talk to some people about Book Week
  • 16.06.20
    - Book Week news
    Ancher1:We have Mrs. Coats,our librarian,in the studio right now.
    Welcome to Book Week News,Mrs. Coats.
    Whats happening in the library this week?
    Mrs. Coats:We have over one hunred new book on display for Book Week