앙성중학교 로고이미지


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2015년 2016년 2017년
1 2 3 4 5
A New School for Chris(크리스의 새로운 학교 )
A New School for Chris(크리스의 새로운 학교 )
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A New School for Chris(크리스의 새로운 학교 )
Hannah's Dance
Hannah's Dance
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Hannah's Dance
Hannah's Dance
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30      
  • 16.11.02
    - A New School for Chris(크리스의 새로운 학교 )
    Mr. Greene showed the children a map

    of their town. They found their school, the
    그들의 도시를/그들은/찾았다/그들의 학교,/공원

    park, the firehouse, and the library.

    Another teacher came into the class.
    다른 선생님이/왔다/교실안으로

    Her name was Ms. Torres. She was a music
    그녀의 이름은/토레스씨였다/그녀는/음악

    teacher. Ms. Torres played songs on a small
    선생님이였다/토레스씨는/노래를 불렀다/작은

    electric keyboard. The class sang along.
    전자건반으로/교실에서는/노래를 따라 불렀다
  • 16.11.04
    - A New School for Chris(크리스의 새로운 학교 )
    Then, Mr. Greene announced that he

    had a surprise. He took the class to the
    놀랐다/그는/걸었다/교실의/학교 강당에서

    school auditorium. The rest of the school
    휴식을 가졌다/학교 교실에서

    was there, too.
    거기에 있었다

    The children were going to see a play!
    아이들은/노는 것을보러 갔다

    Chris loved the play. It was very funny.
    크리스는/사랑했다/노는 것을/그것은/많이 웃었다.
  • 16.11.07
    - A New School for Chris(크리스의 새로운 학교 )
    Finally, the day was over. Chris walked
    마지막날에/위에 있었다/크리스는/걸었다

    outside with his new friends. His mom was
    밖에서/그의 새로운 친구들과/그의 엄마가

    waiting for him. Chris waved good-bye to
    기다리고 있었다/크리스는/손을 흔들었다


    "How was your day?"asked Mom.
    "너네 어땠나? "/질문했다/엄마가

    "It was great!" said Chris. "I think I'm
    "좋아요?"/말했다/크리스가/나는 좋았어요/나는

    going to like this school."
    갈 것이다/좋아요/학교가"
  • 16.11.09
    - Hannah's Dance
    Hannah loved dancing. When she
    한나는/사랑했다/춤추는 것을/그녀는

    woke up, she turned on her music.
    깨웠다/그녀는/틀었다/그녀는 음악을 틀었다

    At breakfast, she danced to the
    아침식사를 했다/그녀는/춤을 췄다

    music on the radio. Mom sipped her
    음악을 틀었다/라디오에서/엄마는/그녀를 마신했다

    coffee and watched Hannah dance.
    커피/그리고/보았다/한나의 춤을
  • 16.11.11
    - Hannah's Dance
    Every weekend, Hannkend had ballet
    매 주말마다/한나는/발레를 했다

    lawson. All the children liked ballet
    모든 어린이들은/좋아했다/발레를

    except Hannah. She liked dancing at
    외 한나는/그녀는/좋아했다/춤을 추는 것을

    home better.
  • 16.11.14
    - Hannah's Dance
    One weekend, a dance teacher
    어느 주말에/댄스 교사는

    came to show the children a new
    왔다/새를 보러/어린이들에게

    way to dance.
    춤을 추는 방법을

    "For this kind of dancing, you
    "춤의 종류에는/너는

    should try to feel carefree," he
    평온한 느낌을/시도해야 된다"/그는

    explained. Hannah liked to feel

  • 16.11.16
    - Hannah's Dance
    The teacher played loud,

    screeching music. Then he played

    soft music. The children had to think

    about how the music made them feel.

    Then they had to make up a dance.